Monday, January 11, 2010

Do not quench the Spirit #11

Have you read this command from God recently?

1 Thessalonians 5:19
19 Do not quench the Spirit.

It is very simple and to the point isn't it? As you start your day today are you concerned about breaking this command today? We should be!! It should be on the top of our priority list. If we really want God to lead out lives we must surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you are a follower of Christ the Holy Spirit wants to lead you today but if you have been quenching Him it may be very hard to hear Him. To get to the pace where you hear Him easily it takes practice. It is kinda like us men. We can get so occupied with a ball game on T.V. that we can tune others out around us and not hear somebody when they are talking to us. We in our Spiritual walks can get so engrossed in life that we can tune out the voice of the Holy Spirit. It takes effort to change this but it can be done!

One question I hear from some folks is how do I know if it is the Spirit or if it is my own will or if it is the devil trying to trick me. The best answer I can give to that is if it is the Spirit it will not contradict what scripture teaches. For example the Spirit will not tell you to give the driver that just cut you off the finger!!! The Spirit is more likely to tell you to pray for that driver because you do not know what is going on in his/her llife. The Spirit is here to help us to do the work God wants us to do both in our own lives and in the lives of others.

I pray that you will think about this thought today. We are in a culture now that says worry about yourself and who cares about the rest of the world. That is against what scripture teaches. From what I read it is God, others, and then self!!! So the importance of letting the Spirit lead should be way up on our list of it on your list???

Have a great week and listen for that small, still voice...He wants to lead you!


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