Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A prayng Holy Spirit!!!! #16

All I can say is WOW! As I think about the lesson for today is so overwhelming so let's get right to the verse!

Romans 8:27
27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

There are two incredible truths here to catch in this one verse...don't miss them. The first is this... the Spirit has a mind of His own! From what we have learned in previous lessons, (that the Holy Spirit is a person) learning that the Spirit has mind of His own should not be a suprise. The second is that the Spirit prays for us. Do you see in the verse above where is says "He makes intercession for the saints"? That is us (saints). The Bible refers to any one who has accepted Christ as a saint. Now I want you to think about what was has been said for a moment. The Spirit prays for us according to God's will. That is incredible. It also should be very comforting knowing that when we pray dumb things or when we don't know what to pray, the Spirit is stepping in and praying for us in God's will!!! WOW! Have you ever prayed for something dumb? I have many times. Here is one that pops in my mind....God please don't let it rain tomorrow because I want to go hunting. Now I don't know how the Spirit interceded for me at this point but I don't think God is really concerned with if I get to hunt or not in the realm of things that are important!!! That paticular day it did rain and I spent more time with the family so if I am reading the situation right that may have been what the Spirit interceded for me more time with family!

So... when we encounter situations where we do not know what to say or we may think we know what to say in our prayers but it may not be correct! I am taking comfort in having a Holy Spirit that does know what to say and is interceding on my behalf....Thank you Holy Spirit for I need all the help I can get!!! Amen?


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