This should be another devotion to get you to do some thinking! Before you read the verse for today answer this question. Who is in control of your honest!
1 Corinthians 12:11
11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills
This verse is refering to the gifts of the Spirit but what I want you to focus on this morning is the distribution process. Do we choose what gifts we get? No! If you look closely it is the Holy Spirit who distributes to each one of us as "He wills" or desires! Wow! Think about that for a moment. This is a big reminder to us of who exactly is in control. Just as we don't get to choose our gifts we also don't get to choose what God intends for us both each day and for our life! So think back to my original question...did your answer line up with God's Word? It is also the same for the church. God has a plan for the church. Are we accomplishing that plan through prayer and seeking His will or are we doing are own thing and asking Him to bless it?
So the scripture show us this morning that the Spirit has His own desires for us and the church. On that note we need to be praying like Christ "not as I will, but as You will".
God's word is so alive and relevant. He reminds me everyday of how awesome He really is...I hope these devotions do the same for you!
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