Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Does God give when asked? #8

We are afraid to work on behalf of God sometimes. Do you agree? How many times have you had the opportunity to witness and passed it up? The main reason being you didn't know how the person would react so you didn't even try? I have been there many times. We are failing God when we do this because we have all that we need through the Holy Spirit to be bold and do as we are led too!

Look at these words from Jesus:

Luke 11:13
13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

What I believe this is talking about here is the power of the Spirit. As we have seen earlier we receive the Holy Sprit when we are saved....immediately. But there are times when we need certain power from the Holy Spirit and that is when we ask and we shall receive. Like for blodness to witness or words to say on behalf of Jesus. When we are doing His will God will provide!!! I have personally seen this in my own life and if you have been a believer very long and are faithful in working for our Lord you have too! One valuable thing you need though is faith! Faith that God will provide. If one doesn't have that faith He will never step out of his comfort zone and allow the Holy Spirit to work. I can not tell you how many times I have seen this. Until you try it for your self you probably won't believe it. I have talked to people before and God will bring up scripture to my mind while talking to them I havent read in a long time. That is the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gave me the boldness to open my mouth but then I have to have the faith to do it!!

Oh church we ahve so much unleashed power through the Holy Spirit but we are not using it! Do you have the faith to use it? God will give to His children when asked to do His will but we have to have that child like faith!!!

Test this out today and see what may just change your life!

God bless...Tom

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