With so much talk these days about marriage and the opposite sex, let us heed the Word of God:
Proverbs 5:3-6
3 For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;
4 But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
Sharp as a two-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death,
Her steps lay hold of hell.
6 Lest you ponder her path of life—
Her ways are unstable;
You do not know them.
This is just one of many passages in the Bible where God makes it clear we are to be very careful with the opposite sex. I know in this passage it is taling about a woman but we can easily relate this same thing to men so I believe it applies both ways. If you study the Bible, God makes it clear that sex is for marriage. Society has done a good job I am sad to say to train us in total opposition to God's Word that sex is ok as long as both parties agree. Again that is not what God intended. Sex is an awesome thing in the confines of marriage. This passage today is so relevant for us today. Immoral women and men are running every where just trying to satisfy there own desires not caring who they hurt or use. Just look at the way our young ladies are dressing. Body parts hanging out, doing all they can to get men to look at them and lust for them. The young men have their boxers hanging out of their pants and all the commercials for body sprays where the women will attck you...it is rediculous.
Lets look at this scripture. The talk of the immoral is smooth. They can talk to you and tell you exactly what you need and want to hear. Their talk is what grabs your attention and lures you in for the taking. I have had some male friends in the past who could sway a girl off her feet like magic. Those girls would believe everything these guys would say! That is why God warns us here of that very thing. Verse 4 tells us when you get taken in by their talk you get hurt. Those same guys I was talking about hurt many girls because they used them and then had nothing more to do with them. Verse 5 tell us where the path of the immoral take us when we are caught in their trap. Very plain and simple to death and hell. Many of folks have taken this very dangerous path and we must warn others where this path will take them. Then in verse 6 God explains a liitle more about this path. Don't ever think about taking this path for it is very unstable. Do not try to know them, the them is the immorals ways.
My friends the world has been glamorizing this path for sometime now. They have been able to slowly soften the look upon immorality even among Christians. God does not change and we must take a solid stand on immorality. There is a fine line to be walked and God expects us to do that!
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