Here is our verse for today:
Proverbs 28:6
6 Better is the poor who walks in his integrity
Than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich.
This verse pretty well sums up how our attitude should be. Whatever we have to do in life to have the standards that God teaches us in his word we need to do. Thias verse makes it very clear that we would be better off in life poor but have good character and be an honest person that to have great riches and be perverted in our ways! Think about this for a moment. Money in it's self is not evil but God warns in His Word that it is very difficult to have a great amount of money and live a godly life because of all the temptations that comes with having great riches. Think of all the rich folks who fall hard into sin that you see on the news, they gave into the temptations that came with their great riches. Now there are some who can handle having money and use their money to glorify God with it and help others. But they are few and far between and I think we see that as God felt it important enough to include this proverb in His Word!
So if you don't have a large amount of money you may want to think of it as a blessing because it keeps you away from many temptaions. But you also need to ask yourself how you are walking? For even a poor man can have little integrity if he is not walking with the Lord.
Even though I am not rich in money, I am rich in blessings and I praise the Lord for that! I have way more than I deserve. From what I have seen of riches, I would rather have my faith and be poor that to have riches and be lost and no relationship with God.
Have a great Monday!
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