Friday, April 23, 2010

The Lord is watching!

This is a good verse to end the week on...check it out:

Proverbs 5:21
21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD,
And He ponders all his paths.

If you grew up in church you were probably told many times that no matter where you are God is watching, right? Well here is the verse to back that up. When I read this verse this morninn it really grabbed a hold of me evn though I have heard and read it before. God is watching me. God is watching you. Think about that for a moment. All of the creation out there and God is keeping an eye on you and me. So today as you wash clothes, do your job, yell at the kids, drive down the road, cheat on your wife, steal money from your job, help the widow lady next door, give your last dollar to a hungry street bum and the list goes on and on....God is watching!!!! Not only is He watching but the verse goes on to say that God ponders or thinks about all our paths. God thinks about what we are doing. Sometimes we bring smiles to His face with our obiedient lifestyles, and sometimes we dissappoint Him greatly when we willfully disobey His commandments.

Wow... to know God is watching and thinking about how we are living should make us really evaluate what and how we are doing things. I want to please God with all of my life and I know you do too! So keep in mind God is watching!!!!


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