Monday, June 7, 2010

Are you sparing the rod?

I see many good kids come through our youth group. I also see many kids who need discipline in so many ways. I also get to work in the schools some where I live and I see respectful nice young people and I see kids that will walk right by you and not say a word to you when I have spoken to them!!! Very disrespectful. I watch the T.V. and am amazed at what I see the kids doing today. Have you ever watched an episode of Super Nanny? Unbelievable!!! As a whole our society has come up with the idea we should not spank our children. In my opinion and according to the Word of God we do a great disservice to our children by not spanking them when they need some discipline. Read this verse:

Proverbs 13:24

24 He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

God's word says here if we don't spank our children then we must hate them! WOW! What God is trying to tell us here is they need spankings from time to time for that is a way to teach them what is right and what is wrong. It helps them remember. I still remember a couple of whippings I got and you know what I needed them and could have used a few more to be truthful! We have a problem in society wanting to be our kids best friends instead of being their parent. We also have a problem with parents having kids who see their kids as a burden and let them do whatever they want...what a shame. God's word goes onto say if we love our kids we will discipline them promptly. Folks we need to quit watching Dr. Phil and Oprah on how to raise our kids and stick to the advice of the One who made our kids...God!

So brothers and sisters are you sparing the rod? Heed God's Word...He knows best after all He is our heavenly Father!

Have a great week!


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