Thursday, June 24, 2010

Does the unbelieving word see us as the hands and feet of Christ or judgemental hypocrites???

This was the question asked by the camp pastor last night? I had to stop and think on that one for a bit. He went on to say this... as a church we focus so much on the don't do this, don't do that, that for the believer their whole life is focused on the don't instead of the do's!!!

Read this verse:

Micah 6:8

8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

The camp pastor said the gospel isn't really about don't it is about doing what God has told us to do. Maybe we focus so much on the don't that it is the reason unbelievers find the church boring even believers for that matter. IF we turn our attention to the do's it becomes an amazing show of God's love. Look at the verse above. Do justly. That means being the hands and feet of Christ and showing mankind His love. Now if we do justly to others it involves making wrongs right! For example if a unwed woman is struggling with food for her kids because she lost her job....we step in and help feed those kids not harp on her having kids out of wed lock. When we show her the love of Christ, God will do the convicting in time! The verse also says to love mercy. God has shown us mercy, and expects us to show others mercy too. When we are wronged instead of pointing the finger, show mercy. If feels good to do the will of God. Then the verse closes with walk humbly with your God. No attitude just Christ likeness. Wow think about that.

You see my brothers and sisters the thought here is the unbelieving world sees us as people who are constantly saying the don't but then we ourselves do the very things we preach to them. Now let me be clear that the Bible teaches many things we are not to do and we should be obedient. But the point here is we should focus on the do what Christ would do and show the unbelieving world that serving them with the love of Christ is exciting and an amazing adventure. Perhaps this would change their view of us of being judgemental hypocrites and bring them into the house of God!

I hope I bought out the point of this good enough this morning. Something to think very hard on!


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