Again as usual God's Word pretty much speaks for itself.
Proverbs 14:1
The wisest of women builds her house,
but folly with her own hands tears it down.
If you have a wise woman in your life praise God for it! I can not tell you how many wise women I have had in my life over my 40 years. From my grandmothers, to my mom, to step mom, to my wife, to godly ladies in several churches, to a women who has stepped in to be like an adopted mother to me. Thank you Jesus! All of these women build their houses first and foremost on the foundation that can not be torn down Jesus Christ. That is the main reason they are wise. They also build their physical homes with care and love. Again that is why they are wise. God bless these women in my life and other folks lives who build their houses wisely!
Then there is the other side I am sad to say. Women who have not placed their faith in Christ. By their own hands they are destroying their spiritual house. How very sad. They also are destroying their physical house because they are not teaching their children the ways of the Lord and setting a good example for their husband. Look at the definition of folly:
1.the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense.
Wow that pretty well sums up what a man or woman is if they do not have the Lord as the central part of their spiritual or physical home doesn't it??
So take time to think this morning on the wise women who have been placed in your life by God. Then call them up and thank them!!!
Have a great day!
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