Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who you hanging with??

Great verse to share with our kids and look at closely ourselves!

Proverbs 14:7

7 Go from the presence of a foolish man,
When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.

Working with the youth at church I teach then this principle often. It is very important that we listen to what God tells us for He knows what is best for us. The first part of this verse is telling us to leave the presence of a foolish man. In others words if you have a friend who is foolish, it is time to find a new friend! Well how do we know if our friend is foolish? Earlier in proverbs we read that the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord. If our friends are unbelievers they don't have the same values we have thus they will make many decisions that we will not or try not to make as followers of Christ! I am not telling you to ignore them but I am saying spending large amounts of time with them is not wise! If we ignore them we don't have a chance to try to win them to Christ. In the second part of the verse God tells when to determine we need to get away from them. Basically when we figure out they don't have any knowledge in them which as we have found from God's Word that only comes form a true relationship with Jesus! It don' take long to figure that out if we are in Christ!

So my friends who are you hanging with this morning, the foolish or the wise?


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