Taking a break until after the New Year!
Everyone celebrate the reason for the season...Jesus! Have a great New Year too!
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
To our advantage!!! #5
Have you ever had the thought I wish Jesus was still here so I could talk face to face with Him or touch Him and know He is for real? I believe all believer's probably have thought that at one time or another. Read today's verse:
John 16:7
7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.
Wow! Jesus tells us very clearly here that it is to our advantage that He left us. But why? He goes on to explain to us that if He did not leave the Helper would not come. But if He did leave the Helper would come. Jesus promised to send this Helper. So who is this Helper? The Holy Spirit of course!!! In Acts 2 we see the fullfillment of this promise and Peter explains it is available to anyone who believes! Isn't God awesome???
Here is the reason the having the Holy Spirit is to our advantage. If Jesus was here in bodily form He could only be where His body was but when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us it can indwell us thus the Holy Spirit is with us 24/7. So know do you see why it is to our advantage?? God is so much smarter than we are and I am so thankful He is in control and not me...amen?
One day soon we will see Jesus in the flesh but until then be thankful for the Holy Spirit's presence in your body!
Have a great weekend!
John 16:7
7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.
Wow! Jesus tells us very clearly here that it is to our advantage that He left us. But why? He goes on to explain to us that if He did not leave the Helper would not come. But if He did leave the Helper would come. Jesus promised to send this Helper. So who is this Helper? The Holy Spirit of course!!! In Acts 2 we see the fullfillment of this promise and Peter explains it is available to anyone who believes! Isn't God awesome???
Here is the reason the having the Holy Spirit is to our advantage. If Jesus was here in bodily form He could only be where His body was but when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us it can indwell us thus the Holy Spirit is with us 24/7. So know do you see why it is to our advantage?? God is so much smarter than we are and I am so thankful He is in control and not me...amen?
One day soon we will see Jesus in the flesh but until then be thankful for the Holy Spirit's presence in your body!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Questioning what we are taught. #4
In an earlier note I said we must be careful when we are being taught the scriptures. Look at what this verse says:
Acts 17:10-11
10 Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether if these things were so.
I want you to catch the part that says "searched scriptures daily to find out if these things were so." Baiscally the Berians were searching to find out if what Paul was telling them was true! Brothers and sisters we should be doing the same. In many churches today it would be very easy to go in a preach a message filled with things that are not Biblical and mix just a little truth in with it and people would leave believeing everything the preacher said. This is how cults get started. So what we as believers do we need to do? Read your Bible and know what it says. Second, when listening to a preacher search the scriptures like the Berians and find out if what he is saying is so. Third, let the Holy Spiit guide you when being taught. God has many things to teach you and the Spirit will guide you in the truth.
I have always told the folks I preach to not to take anything man says including me as final....check it out and make sure it lines up with scripture. We should stand on the truth of God not man!
Think about this and apply it!
Acts 17:10-11
10 Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether if these things were so.
I want you to catch the part that says "searched scriptures daily to find out if these things were so." Baiscally the Berians were searching to find out if what Paul was telling them was true! Brothers and sisters we should be doing the same. In many churches today it would be very easy to go in a preach a message filled with things that are not Biblical and mix just a little truth in with it and people would leave believeing everything the preacher said. This is how cults get started. So what we as believers do we need to do? Read your Bible and know what it says. Second, when listening to a preacher search the scriptures like the Berians and find out if what he is saying is so. Third, let the Holy Spiit guide you when being taught. God has many things to teach you and the Spirit will guide you in the truth.
I have always told the folks I preach to not to take anything man says including me as final....check it out and make sure it lines up with scripture. We should stand on the truth of God not man!
Think about this and apply it!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Do I guide or does the Holy Spirit?
Hebrews 4:12
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
As I start today's lesson I want you to ask your self who is in control of your life? Now this is what I know from scripture. If you have accepted Christ you were bought with a price....that price was paid by Jesus on the cross for your sins. So if you are surrenedered fully to Christ He should be in control of your life through the Holy Spirit whom He sent to be your guide. So that brings us back to our original question who is in control of your life?
If the Spirit is in control do you let Him even control your learning of the scriptures? Now let me say there is definite place of teachers of the sciptures in our lives but I believe we sometimes over ride the Spirits promptings by what a teacher may have taught us. Listen to me carefully here. We have in the Christian community allowed teachings that are not scriptural to infiltrate us. That is why it is so important for us to let the Holy Spirit guide us in our Bilbe reading and studying. Read the scipture above and take a moment to think about it. A child of God reading and studying His word has benefits that those who have never surrendered their lives to Christ do not have. The guidance of the Holy Spirit. Promised to us by Jesus Christ Himself. I can tell you from personal expirience that when I read the Bible before I was saved it really was a bunch of jibberish in many areas but since being saved the Holy Spirit reveals things to me that I could not comprehend before. It is truly amazing. Now this brings me to another point. When you read read your Bible do you read with an open mind as to let the Spirit speak to you or do read with preconcieved ideas as taught by man? I admit this is very tough to answer. I try my best to read with an open mind. I have found that I don't agree 100% with any Pastor, Bible teacher, scholar, ect. Why? Because in certain areas the Holy Spirit has revealed to me a different interpetation of a scripture. That is letting the Holy Spirit guide me. Could I be wrong??? Yes. Could the other teacher be wrong??? Yes. Can there be a double meaning to the scripture??? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Could it be God had a something specific to say to me right at that moment...yes. There are many variables to this that is why it is so important that your are letting the Spirit guide you. Now let me say this if what you think the Spirit is saying to you does not line up with other teachings of scripture than you better question yourself. Is this the Spirit or is this me because God is not of confusion and He does not contradict himself!!
So who is guiding you...man?,...you?,....or the Holy Spirit? This is a tough question and I just scratched the surface. The church as a whole has been quenching the Spirit...it is time to stop doing this in our lives and let Him loose. We will be amazed at what happens I can promise you that!
God bless...Tom
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
As I start today's lesson I want you to ask your self who is in control of your life? Now this is what I know from scripture. If you have accepted Christ you were bought with a price....that price was paid by Jesus on the cross for your sins. So if you are surrenedered fully to Christ He should be in control of your life through the Holy Spirit whom He sent to be your guide. So that brings us back to our original question who is in control of your life?
If the Spirit is in control do you let Him even control your learning of the scriptures? Now let me say there is definite place of teachers of the sciptures in our lives but I believe we sometimes over ride the Spirits promptings by what a teacher may have taught us. Listen to me carefully here. We have in the Christian community allowed teachings that are not scriptural to infiltrate us. That is why it is so important for us to let the Holy Spirit guide us in our Bilbe reading and studying. Read the scipture above and take a moment to think about it. A child of God reading and studying His word has benefits that those who have never surrendered their lives to Christ do not have. The guidance of the Holy Spirit. Promised to us by Jesus Christ Himself. I can tell you from personal expirience that when I read the Bible before I was saved it really was a bunch of jibberish in many areas but since being saved the Holy Spirit reveals things to me that I could not comprehend before. It is truly amazing. Now this brings me to another point. When you read read your Bible do you read with an open mind as to let the Spirit speak to you or do read with preconcieved ideas as taught by man? I admit this is very tough to answer. I try my best to read with an open mind. I have found that I don't agree 100% with any Pastor, Bible teacher, scholar, ect. Why? Because in certain areas the Holy Spirit has revealed to me a different interpetation of a scripture. That is letting the Holy Spirit guide me. Could I be wrong??? Yes. Could the other teacher be wrong??? Yes. Can there be a double meaning to the scripture??? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Could it be God had a something specific to say to me right at that moment...yes. There are many variables to this that is why it is so important that your are letting the Spirit guide you. Now let me say this if what you think the Spirit is saying to you does not line up with other teachings of scripture than you better question yourself. Is this the Spirit or is this me because God is not of confusion and He does not contradict himself!!
So who is guiding you...man?,...you?,....or the Holy Spirit? This is a tough question and I just scratched the surface. The church as a whole has been quenching the Spirit...it is time to stop doing this in our lives and let Him loose. We will be amazed at what happens I can promise you that!
God bless...Tom
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fruits of Holy Spirit #2
We can talk much about the Holy Spirit but to know if we are living life in Holy Spirit we can start by looking in this verse:
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
These fruits are characteristics of one who is living their life with the Holy Spirit guiding them. Now look at these fruits closely. I don't know about you but I can speak for myself that is takes the Spirits's moving in my life to do these daily. Love...do you love everyone daily. Now think before you answer. Do you see how it takes the Holy Spirits guidance to do this day in and day out? Do you live with joy? If you have expirienced the joy of the saving grace of Jesus we should be joyful no matter what we go through in a day again the Spirit may have to remind of us that truth! Peace! Do you have that peace in your life that only God can bring throught the Spirit! I know before I had Jesus in my life peace was not a constant part of my life but it is now and the Holy Spirit reminds me often of that peace that is only obtainable through Jesus! Longsuffering....think about this for a moment. God puts up with our non-sense daily...He is longsuffering twards us and He expects us to be the same twards others. If we fly off the handle at the drop of a hat we had better check our walk with God and if the Holy Spirit is really guiding us. Kindness are you kind? It takes a leading of the Spirit fo us to be kind even when the situation may not warrent it! Goodness..are you genuinely a good person? Does good flow from you. It is not a natural thing for us to be good...the Spirit must flow from us to do this! Faithfulness...hmmm as we can see in today's society faithfulness is not a trait of many. To be faithful in all area's of life is a sure sign of the Spirits leading your life. Gentleness...are we gentle to others? Do we care about others feelings? Again this is not a top priority in many lives today but God's word tells us it is a sign of one's life being led by the Spirit. Self control....this kind of sums up all the other fruits because it takes self control to do all the others. For me if I have self control I can do all the others and there will be no doubt the Spirit is leading my life if I am able to control my emotions and my actions. I am the first to admit I can only do this if I yeild my self to the Spirit's control of my life. I like how this verse ends..."against such there is no law"!!! For the Spirit filled Christian these fruits should be flowing from our lives and if they are the world will be noticing that we are different!
So how are you doing in these? Is the Spirit evident or do we have work to do?
Pray for me please and I will pray for you...these friuis of the Spirit should be flowing freely from us!
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
These fruits are characteristics of one who is living their life with the Holy Spirit guiding them. Now look at these fruits closely. I don't know about you but I can speak for myself that is takes the Spirits's moving in my life to do these daily. Love...do you love everyone daily. Now think before you answer. Do you see how it takes the Holy Spirits guidance to do this day in and day out? Do you live with joy? If you have expirienced the joy of the saving grace of Jesus we should be joyful no matter what we go through in a day again the Spirit may have to remind of us that truth! Peace! Do you have that peace in your life that only God can bring throught the Spirit! I know before I had Jesus in my life peace was not a constant part of my life but it is now and the Holy Spirit reminds me often of that peace that is only obtainable through Jesus! Longsuffering....think about this for a moment. God puts up with our non-sense daily...He is longsuffering twards us and He expects us to be the same twards others. If we fly off the handle at the drop of a hat we had better check our walk with God and if the Holy Spirit is really guiding us. Kindness are you kind? It takes a leading of the Spirit fo us to be kind even when the situation may not warrent it! Goodness..are you genuinely a good person? Does good flow from you. It is not a natural thing for us to be good...the Spirit must flow from us to do this! Faithfulness...hmmm as we can see in today's society faithfulness is not a trait of many. To be faithful in all area's of life is a sure sign of the Spirits leading your life. Gentleness...are we gentle to others? Do we care about others feelings? Again this is not a top priority in many lives today but God's word tells us it is a sign of one's life being led by the Spirit. Self control....this kind of sums up all the other fruits because it takes self control to do all the others. For me if I have self control I can do all the others and there will be no doubt the Spirit is leading my life if I am able to control my emotions and my actions. I am the first to admit I can only do this if I yeild my self to the Spirit's control of my life. I like how this verse ends..."against such there is no law"!!! For the Spirit filled Christian these fruits should be flowing from our lives and if they are the world will be noticing that we are different!
So how are you doing in these? Is the Spirit evident or do we have work to do?
Pray for me please and I will pray for you...these friuis of the Spirit should be flowing freely from us!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Are we forgetting the Holy Spirit?
I have started to read a book called "Forgotton God" by Francis Chan. It has really made me do some thinking about the Holy Spirit. So today we are going to venture into a new series of devotions on the Holy Spirit. Many of the thoughts will come from Chan's book and I will just comment and expand on it. So here we go!
As we go through these lesson's I want you to just forget what you have been taught over the years through your various churchs and Bible teachers. The reason I ask this is many times myself included we can be taught things that pertain to the Holy Spirit that really are not scriptural. So as I have been reading this book I am trying to let the Bible or God speak to me through the Word without man's opinions influencing me. By the way we should do this with the whole Bible not just parts on the Holy Spirit. So clear your mind and here is the thought for today:
How has the Holy Spirit changed your life? Honestly ponder this thought for a few moments. When others see you do they see you different from the world because you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit? Look at the change that took place in the disciples in Acts 4:13:
Acts 4:13
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
One thing I want to point out to you here. People marveled at there boldness. Where did this boldness come from? Not long before this they fled in fear as Jesus was arrested and crucified. It came when the Holy Spirit indwelt them at the day of pentecost a short time before this event mentioned in the verse above. So my question is this....Do you have a boldness to serve Jesus? From what I read that is one fo the things the Holy Spirit provides to us. Hmmmm think about that.
As we go through these devotions my prayer is that we will gain a fresh new perspective on the Holy Spirit and that we will realize the church has forgotten in many ways the workings of the Holy Spirit. So join me for this adventure and share it with others and ask them to join us. As always your comments are welcome!
God bless...Tom
As we go through these lesson's I want you to just forget what you have been taught over the years through your various churchs and Bible teachers. The reason I ask this is many times myself included we can be taught things that pertain to the Holy Spirit that really are not scriptural. So as I have been reading this book I am trying to let the Bible or God speak to me through the Word without man's opinions influencing me. By the way we should do this with the whole Bible not just parts on the Holy Spirit. So clear your mind and here is the thought for today:
How has the Holy Spirit changed your life? Honestly ponder this thought for a few moments. When others see you do they see you different from the world because you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit? Look at the change that took place in the disciples in Acts 4:13:
Acts 4:13
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
One thing I want to point out to you here. People marveled at there boldness. Where did this boldness come from? Not long before this they fled in fear as Jesus was arrested and crucified. It came when the Holy Spirit indwelt them at the day of pentecost a short time before this event mentioned in the verse above. So my question is this....Do you have a boldness to serve Jesus? From what I read that is one fo the things the Holy Spirit provides to us. Hmmmm think about that.
As we go through these devotions my prayer is that we will gain a fresh new perspective on the Holy Spirit and that we will realize the church has forgotten in many ways the workings of the Holy Spirit. So join me for this adventure and share it with others and ask them to join us. As always your comments are welcome!
God bless...Tom
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Help a sinner!!!
Over the years since I have been in ministry there has been much debate about confronting those in sin. People will say you are judging some one when you confront someone who is in sin. I believe the Bible makes it clear we are suppose to point out sin in folks lives and here is one of those verses:
James 5:19-20
19 Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
Now none of us are perfect. When we are in sin we must be able to take the pointing out of our sin without getting angry. The Bible is clear that when pointing out sin we must do this gently and lovingly. Jesus is our prime example in this. Look at what verse 19-20 shows us....if we turn back a sinner we save a soul from death! Isn't that awesome!!! You see when one repents from their sin...their previous sins (multitude of sins) are covered by the shed blood of Jesus. So let's stop and ask oursleves...when is the last time we pointed out in love the sins of another??? I can already hear some thoughts going through our head..."who am I to point out others sins when I have my own to worry about?" Well my friend do yourself a favor and repent of yours now and get your life in line with what God desires. Then help some one who is straying from the truth. It is so important as we are told we will save a soul from death!!! How much more important can it be?
Ponder these scriptures today....it is a matter of eternity in hell or heaven!
James 5:19-20
19 Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
Now none of us are perfect. When we are in sin we must be able to take the pointing out of our sin without getting angry. The Bible is clear that when pointing out sin we must do this gently and lovingly. Jesus is our prime example in this. Look at what verse 19-20 shows us....if we turn back a sinner we save a soul from death! Isn't that awesome!!! You see when one repents from their sin...their previous sins (multitude of sins) are covered by the shed blood of Jesus. So let's stop and ask oursleves...when is the last time we pointed out in love the sins of another??? I can already hear some thoughts going through our head..."who am I to point out others sins when I have my own to worry about?" Well my friend do yourself a favor and repent of yours now and get your life in line with what God desires. Then help some one who is straying from the truth. It is so important as we are told we will save a soul from death!!! How much more important can it be?
Ponder these scriptures today....it is a matter of eternity in hell or heaven!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Accountability Partner
Here is today's verse:
James 5:16
16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Over the years I have heard many men and women of God tell me and others that we need to have a person in our live that will help us with our walk with God. It must be someone who you know is very strong in their faith and someone you can trust with personal information that you would be sharing with them. We call these folks accountability partners. Once you find this person you have to be honest with them about your life. Just like the verse above says you confess your trespasses (or sins) to them for the sole purpose of them holding you accountable for your sins. They will then pray with you about this sin and then help you stay true to your commitment to God to walk the walk not just talk the talk. Now let me also say you must confess your sin to God first and foremost but the bible tells us here to be in prayer for one another and to pray for one another so we may be healed. I believe part of the healing process is our friends helping us to stay away from what ever the sin was that crept into our life! The verse goes on to say our friends effective and fervent prayers avails much. That is so awesome. Again be sure to choose friends who are solid in the faith and are in their Bibles daily!
Do you have an accountability partner? Find one today it will help you in your walk with God!
Have a great week!
James 5:16
16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Over the years I have heard many men and women of God tell me and others that we need to have a person in our live that will help us with our walk with God. It must be someone who you know is very strong in their faith and someone you can trust with personal information that you would be sharing with them. We call these folks accountability partners. Once you find this person you have to be honest with them about your life. Just like the verse above says you confess your trespasses (or sins) to them for the sole purpose of them holding you accountable for your sins. They will then pray with you about this sin and then help you stay true to your commitment to God to walk the walk not just talk the talk. Now let me also say you must confess your sin to God first and foremost but the bible tells us here to be in prayer for one another and to pray for one another so we may be healed. I believe part of the healing process is our friends helping us to stay away from what ever the sin was that crept into our life! The verse goes on to say our friends effective and fervent prayers avails much. That is so awesome. Again be sure to choose friends who are solid in the faith and are in their Bibles daily!
Do you have an accountability partner? Find one today it will help you in your walk with God!
Have a great week!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Need healing?
This verse is very interesting:
James 5:14
14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
I have often wondered since I first read this verse many years ago why this isn't isn't practiced in most churches today. The first part of the verse is really pretty simple. Do we have any sick? Yes all over the place. While I think James is talking to the church here I want you to think how many folks in your church are sick? Cancer, disease, flu, are just a few of the sicknesses we have. Once again our great God tells us exactly what we need to do. Call for the elders of the church. They are then to go and pray for the sick person and then anoint them with oil in the name of Jesus. Why in the world don't we do this? It isn't hard. Perhaps it comes down to two things. First it may be like everything else...we are to busy to take the time to do this. God forgive us if this is the reason. Second...could it be we don't have the faith in God that He can heal the sick? If we don't have faith in God to believe He can heal then how in the world can we believe in His Son? Those are the only two reasons I can come up with and neither are worth a hill of beans.
Folks we need to get back to following God's word. God is amazing and can do marvelous works but we must be obedient to His Word.
I am interested in other opinions on this...why don't the church as a whole practice this?
In Christian love...Tom
James 5:14
14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
I have often wondered since I first read this verse many years ago why this isn't isn't practiced in most churches today. The first part of the verse is really pretty simple. Do we have any sick? Yes all over the place. While I think James is talking to the church here I want you to think how many folks in your church are sick? Cancer, disease, flu, are just a few of the sicknesses we have. Once again our great God tells us exactly what we need to do. Call for the elders of the church. They are then to go and pray for the sick person and then anoint them with oil in the name of Jesus. Why in the world don't we do this? It isn't hard. Perhaps it comes down to two things. First it may be like everything else...we are to busy to take the time to do this. God forgive us if this is the reason. Second...could it be we don't have the faith in God that He can heal the sick? If we don't have faith in God to believe He can heal then how in the world can we believe in His Son? Those are the only two reasons I can come up with and neither are worth a hill of beans.
Folks we need to get back to following God's word. God is amazing and can do marvelous works but we must be obedient to His Word.
I am interested in other opinions on this...why don't the church as a whole practice this?
In Christian love...Tom
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I know someone who is suffering....do you?
Here is the verse for today:
James 5:13
13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
When I first read this I thought to myself..."People are suffering everywhere." Why are people suffering? The answer to this is broad. Some bring suffering on themselves by allowing sin to dominate their lives. Some don't take care of the bodies God has given them and thus suffer the consequences. Some suffer with disease that they have done nothing to get but have been overtaken by. There are many, many more reasons for suffering too. So what is the answer. God gives it to us right here. Pray. Wow is it really that simple??? Yes it is. God wants us to talk to Him about our suffering. I can say from my own expiriences in life that prayer has helped me in a way that nothing else can when I am suffering. My problem is though I want to try everything else to solve my suffering before I take it to God. Why do I do that to myself? Plain stupidity I would say! Just like any good parent God wants us to bring our pain and suffering to Him and He will console us like no other. Thank you God for listening to a sinner like me, I am forever greatful.
I like the second part of this verse too. Are we cheerful? We should be! God is sooooo good. If we are we should be singing psalms. Go read a few and look at some of the praises to God. It will teach you much as to how David and others praised God in good times and bad. The definition of a Psalm is a Spiritual song. You may even want to write your own Psalm and sing it to God. He loves it when we worship Him with honesty. Pour your heart out to Him. If you read the Psalms in the Bible they poor their hearts out to God even if they feel like God has left them they cry out to Him. Pure honesty. God can handle it. He can also handle your praises and adoration for Him. So sing away God loves to hear from His children!!!
Such a simple verse but so much to say! God loves you remember that!!!
James 5:13
13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
When I first read this I thought to myself..."People are suffering everywhere." Why are people suffering? The answer to this is broad. Some bring suffering on themselves by allowing sin to dominate their lives. Some don't take care of the bodies God has given them and thus suffer the consequences. Some suffer with disease that they have done nothing to get but have been overtaken by. There are many, many more reasons for suffering too. So what is the answer. God gives it to us right here. Pray. Wow is it really that simple??? Yes it is. God wants us to talk to Him about our suffering. I can say from my own expiriences in life that prayer has helped me in a way that nothing else can when I am suffering. My problem is though I want to try everything else to solve my suffering before I take it to God. Why do I do that to myself? Plain stupidity I would say! Just like any good parent God wants us to bring our pain and suffering to Him and He will console us like no other. Thank you God for listening to a sinner like me, I am forever greatful.
I like the second part of this verse too. Are we cheerful? We should be! God is sooooo good. If we are we should be singing psalms. Go read a few and look at some of the praises to God. It will teach you much as to how David and others praised God in good times and bad. The definition of a Psalm is a Spiritual song. You may even want to write your own Psalm and sing it to God. He loves it when we worship Him with honesty. Pour your heart out to Him. If you read the Psalms in the Bible they poor their hearts out to God even if they feel like God has left them they cry out to Him. Pure honesty. God can handle it. He can also handle your praises and adoration for Him. So sing away God loves to hear from His children!!!
Such a simple verse but so much to say! God loves you remember that!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Is your word good?
Here is today's verse:
James 5:12
12 But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment.
If there is anything that really gets under my skin it is liars. I try my best to tell the truth even when it hurts. Since Jesus is Truth I believe He wants the truth from us at all times. For some reason we have started to believe that little white lies are ok but this is not found in scripture. In this verse God warns us not to swear or make an oath by heaven or earth. What He means by that is when we tell someone something and say I swear to God I will _____ fill in the blank. Do not do that! God tells us not too for one but also if you do not do what ever you promised you just broke an oath to God! If we would just do as God says and let our yes be yes and our no be no it would be so much eaiser and it would be pleasing to God. Not long ago folks made agreements by a handshake. Now we have to have all kinds of paperwork and lawyers and people still break their agreements! Again God says this should not be so and if we do lie we fall into judgement! I like to stay away from judgement as much as I can!
So as those who are followers of the Truth let us be up holders of the truth even though it may hurt sometimes it will be worth it in the end!
God bless....Tom
James 5:12
12 But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment.
If there is anything that really gets under my skin it is liars. I try my best to tell the truth even when it hurts. Since Jesus is Truth I believe He wants the truth from us at all times. For some reason we have started to believe that little white lies are ok but this is not found in scripture. In this verse God warns us not to swear or make an oath by heaven or earth. What He means by that is when we tell someone something and say I swear to God I will _____ fill in the blank. Do not do that! God tells us not too for one but also if you do not do what ever you promised you just broke an oath to God! If we would just do as God says and let our yes be yes and our no be no it would be so much eaiser and it would be pleasing to God. Not long ago folks made agreements by a handshake. Now we have to have all kinds of paperwork and lawyers and people still break their agreements! Again God says this should not be so and if we do lie we fall into judgement! I like to stay away from judgement as much as I can!
So as those who are followers of the Truth let us be up holders of the truth even though it may hurt sometimes it will be worth it in the end!
God bless....Tom
Monday, November 30, 2009
Do good!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Now look out cause here comes Christmas. This verse is a good one to prepare us for Christmas.
James 4:17
17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
I have thought many times about doing good to others. Why is it that during Christmas we try to help others much more than we do at other times of the year? I guess that is why they call it the "giving season". This verse should really speak to us. I want you to stop for a moment and really think about it. If we know to do good and do not do it....we sin. Very simple but very deep. We can define doing good many different ways. Here are two ways that pop into my head. The first is telling people about Jesus. Sharing the gospel. It is not hard to do but we don't very often. When we don't share the good news according to this verse it is sin....wow! Second when we know someone is in need and we walk away thinking someone else will take care of it again it is sin. Do you see how deep this little verse can be? Take time to think on this today...it may change some things in our life!
James 4:17
17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
I have thought many times about doing good to others. Why is it that during Christmas we try to help others much more than we do at other times of the year? I guess that is why they call it the "giving season". This verse should really speak to us. I want you to stop for a moment and really think about it. If we know to do good and do not do it....we sin. Very simple but very deep. We can define doing good many different ways. Here are two ways that pop into my head. The first is telling people about Jesus. Sharing the gospel. It is not hard to do but we don't very often. When we don't share the good news according to this verse it is sin....wow! Second when we know someone is in need and we walk away thinking someone else will take care of it again it is sin. Do you see how deep this little verse can be? Take time to think on this today...it may change some things in our life!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Origin of Thanksgiving
I am challenging you to read this story and to stand up before you family this Thanksgiving and remind them what this Holiday represents and why America was founded. Don't expect somebody else to do You do it!!! My friends it is time to stand up for God before it is too late!
Origin of Thanksgiving
"O that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" -Psalm 107:8,15,21 and 31
For Christians, Thanksgiving means more than just turkey and football. Most of us have a vague notion that this holiday began when the Pilgrims invited their Indian neighbors to dinner to thank God for his provisions. But there really is much more to the story.
The Atlantic crossing in the fall of 1620 had been an extremely difficult journey for the Pilgrims. For two months, 102 people were wedged into what was called the “’tween decks”—the cargo space of the boat, which only had about five-and-a-half feet of headroom. No one was allowed above deck because of the terrible storms. This was no pleasure trip, but only one person died during the voyage.
The Pilgrims had comforted themselves by singing the Psalms, but this “noise” irritated one of the ship’s paid crewmembers. He told the Pilgrims he was looking forward to throwing some of their corpses overboard after they succumbed to the illnesses that were routine on such voyages. But as it turned out, this crewmember himself was the only person on the voyage to become sick and be thrown overboard. God providentially protected His people. A little-known fact about the Mayflower is that this ship normally carried a cargo of wine; and the wine spillage from previous voyages had soaked the beams, acting as a disinfectant to prevent the spread of disease.
During one terrible storm, the main beam of the mast cracked. Death was certain if this beam could not be repaired. At that moment, the whole Pilgrim adventure could very easily have ended on the bottom of the Atlantic. But, providentially, one of the Pilgrims had brought along a large iron screw for a printing press. That screw was used to repair the beam, saving the ship and all on board.
After sixty-six days at sea, land was sighted off what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts. But that was not where the Pilgrims wanted to be. They had intended to establish their new colony in the northern parts of Virginia (which then extended to the Hudson River in modern-day New York), but two factors interrupted their plans. The winds had blown them off course, but they also learned that some other Englishmen who wanted to settle in the same northern part of Virginia had bribed the crew to land them somewhere else.
Once again God was in charge and the Pilgrims were right where God wanted them to be. Had they actually landed near the Hudson River, they would have most certainly been attacked by hostile Indians. Instead, there were no Indians on Cape Cod when the Pilgrims made landfall there.
Many years before some local Indians had captured a Frenchman on a fishing expedition in that region. Just as he was about to be killed, the Frenchman told the Indians that God would be angry with them, would destroy them all, and would replace them with another nation. The Indians boastfully told him that his God could never kill them. However, when the Pilgrims landed in that same region, the land had already been cleared and the fields had already been cultivated, but those Indians who had prepared the land had nearly all died of the plague a year or two earlier.
Despite this provision of safety from the Indians, the Pilgrims barely survived their first winter on the Cape. Only four families escaped without burying at least one family member. But God was still faithful. In the spring of 1621, He sent Squanto to them, an Indian who could speak their own language and who offered to teach them how to survive in this strange new land.
Squanto was one of the few Indians from that area who had not died of the plague. He had been captured as a young man and taken to England as a slave. During that time he mastered the English language; and then had been freed and returned to his native territory shortly before the Pilgrims arrived. Probably the most important thing Squanto taught the Pilgrims was how to plant the Indians’ winter staple crop—corn.
The Pilgrims thanked God for this wonderful helper, but they also shared with Squanto the most valuable treasure they had brought with them from England—the Gospel. Squanto died within a year or two after coming to the aid of the Pilgrims, but before his death he asked them to pray for him that he might go to be with their God in Heaven.
Other Indians who Squanto had introduced to the Pilgrims were also impressed with their God. During the summer of 1621, when it appeared the year’s corn harvest would not survive a severe drought, the Pilgrims called for a day of fasting and prayer. By the end of the day, it was raining. The rain saved the corn, which miraculously sprang back to life. One of the Indians who observed this miracle remarked that their God must be a very great God because when the Indians pow-wowed for rain, it always rained so hard that the corn stalks were broken down. But they noticed that the Pilgrim’s God had sent a very gentle rain that did not damage the corn harvest.
It was that same miraculous corn harvest that provided the grain for the Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving meal with their Indian friends and helpers. Today, many of our public school children are taught that we celebrate Thanksgiving because the Pilgrims were thanking their Indian neighbors for helping them; but the evidence of history shows that on that first Thanksgiving Day the thanks of both Pilgrims and Indians went to God for His great goodness toward them all. But the story does not end there.
Even though the Pilgrims hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner in America, the holiday itself actually has its origins almost 170 years later, after the Revolutionary War had been won and our American Constitution had been adopted. In 1789, Congress approved the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. Congress then “recommended a day of public thanksgiving and prayer” to thank God for blessing America. President Washington declared November 26, 1789, as the first national day of prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord.
Another 75 years later, after the Civil War ended, President Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day to acknowledge “the gracious gifts of the Most High God” bestowed upon America. Every president did the same until 1941 when Congress officially made Thanksgiving a national holiday.
Now that you know the true story, this Thanksgiving make sure that your children learn it too. Let us all join with generations of Americans before us in giving thanks to God for blessing our country.
I am going home for Thanksgiving so I will be out of pocket for a few days. May you and your family have a great Thanksgiving and may God recieve the glory!
Origin of Thanksgiving
"O that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" -Psalm 107:8,15,21 and 31
For Christians, Thanksgiving means more than just turkey and football. Most of us have a vague notion that this holiday began when the Pilgrims invited their Indian neighbors to dinner to thank God for his provisions. But there really is much more to the story.
The Atlantic crossing in the fall of 1620 had been an extremely difficult journey for the Pilgrims. For two months, 102 people were wedged into what was called the “’tween decks”—the cargo space of the boat, which only had about five-and-a-half feet of headroom. No one was allowed above deck because of the terrible storms. This was no pleasure trip, but only one person died during the voyage.
The Pilgrims had comforted themselves by singing the Psalms, but this “noise” irritated one of the ship’s paid crewmembers. He told the Pilgrims he was looking forward to throwing some of their corpses overboard after they succumbed to the illnesses that were routine on such voyages. But as it turned out, this crewmember himself was the only person on the voyage to become sick and be thrown overboard. God providentially protected His people. A little-known fact about the Mayflower is that this ship normally carried a cargo of wine; and the wine spillage from previous voyages had soaked the beams, acting as a disinfectant to prevent the spread of disease.
During one terrible storm, the main beam of the mast cracked. Death was certain if this beam could not be repaired. At that moment, the whole Pilgrim adventure could very easily have ended on the bottom of the Atlantic. But, providentially, one of the Pilgrims had brought along a large iron screw for a printing press. That screw was used to repair the beam, saving the ship and all on board.
After sixty-six days at sea, land was sighted off what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts. But that was not where the Pilgrims wanted to be. They had intended to establish their new colony in the northern parts of Virginia (which then extended to the Hudson River in modern-day New York), but two factors interrupted their plans. The winds had blown them off course, but they also learned that some other Englishmen who wanted to settle in the same northern part of Virginia had bribed the crew to land them somewhere else.
Once again God was in charge and the Pilgrims were right where God wanted them to be. Had they actually landed near the Hudson River, they would have most certainly been attacked by hostile Indians. Instead, there were no Indians on Cape Cod when the Pilgrims made landfall there.
Many years before some local Indians had captured a Frenchman on a fishing expedition in that region. Just as he was about to be killed, the Frenchman told the Indians that God would be angry with them, would destroy them all, and would replace them with another nation. The Indians boastfully told him that his God could never kill them. However, when the Pilgrims landed in that same region, the land had already been cleared and the fields had already been cultivated, but those Indians who had prepared the land had nearly all died of the plague a year or two earlier.
Despite this provision of safety from the Indians, the Pilgrims barely survived their first winter on the Cape. Only four families escaped without burying at least one family member. But God was still faithful. In the spring of 1621, He sent Squanto to them, an Indian who could speak their own language and who offered to teach them how to survive in this strange new land.
Squanto was one of the few Indians from that area who had not died of the plague. He had been captured as a young man and taken to England as a slave. During that time he mastered the English language; and then had been freed and returned to his native territory shortly before the Pilgrims arrived. Probably the most important thing Squanto taught the Pilgrims was how to plant the Indians’ winter staple crop—corn.
The Pilgrims thanked God for this wonderful helper, but they also shared with Squanto the most valuable treasure they had brought with them from England—the Gospel. Squanto died within a year or two after coming to the aid of the Pilgrims, but before his death he asked them to pray for him that he might go to be with their God in Heaven.
Other Indians who Squanto had introduced to the Pilgrims were also impressed with their God. During the summer of 1621, when it appeared the year’s corn harvest would not survive a severe drought, the Pilgrims called for a day of fasting and prayer. By the end of the day, it was raining. The rain saved the corn, which miraculously sprang back to life. One of the Indians who observed this miracle remarked that their God must be a very great God because when the Indians pow-wowed for rain, it always rained so hard that the corn stalks were broken down. But they noticed that the Pilgrim’s God had sent a very gentle rain that did not damage the corn harvest.
It was that same miraculous corn harvest that provided the grain for the Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving meal with their Indian friends and helpers. Today, many of our public school children are taught that we celebrate Thanksgiving because the Pilgrims were thanking their Indian neighbors for helping them; but the evidence of history shows that on that first Thanksgiving Day the thanks of both Pilgrims and Indians went to God for His great goodness toward them all. But the story does not end there.
Even though the Pilgrims hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner in America, the holiday itself actually has its origins almost 170 years later, after the Revolutionary War had been won and our American Constitution had been adopted. In 1789, Congress approved the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. Congress then “recommended a day of public thanksgiving and prayer” to thank God for blessing America. President Washington declared November 26, 1789, as the first national day of prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord.
Another 75 years later, after the Civil War ended, President Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day to acknowledge “the gracious gifts of the Most High God” bestowed upon America. Every president did the same until 1941 when Congress officially made Thanksgiving a national holiday.
Now that you know the true story, this Thanksgiving make sure that your children learn it too. Let us all join with generations of Americans before us in giving thanks to God for blessing our country.
I am going home for Thanksgiving so I will be out of pocket for a few days. May you and your family have a great Thanksgiving and may God recieve the glory!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Enjoy today!
James 4:13-14
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away
This is a clear warning that we need to live each day to the fullest. We are never promised another day. As this week brings another Thanksgiving be sure to enjoy the gathering of your friends and families to the fullest. Also and most importantly take time to share what this holiday is all about...Giving thanks to the Almighty God who has blessed us so much more than we deserve. I was thinking the other day about how many families celebrate Thanksgiving without ever taking the time to thank God..what a shame. So during your gathering enjoy! But also remember this time next year you or someone else at your gathering may not be there so tell them that you love them and take advantage of every second together!
Have a great Monday!
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away
This is a clear warning that we need to live each day to the fullest. We are never promised another day. As this week brings another Thanksgiving be sure to enjoy the gathering of your friends and families to the fullest. Also and most importantly take time to share what this holiday is all about...Giving thanks to the Almighty God who has blessed us so much more than we deserve. I was thinking the other day about how many families celebrate Thanksgiving without ever taking the time to thank God..what a shame. So during your gathering enjoy! But also remember this time next year you or someone else at your gathering may not be there so tell them that you love them and take advantage of every second together!
Have a great Monday!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
You are not judge!
James 4:11-12
11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?
Here are two verses that get right to the point this morning. Basically verese 11 tells us not to speak evil of anybody else. If we do then we are judging that person. This is a big problem in today's society and it has even infiltated the church. Why do we talk bad about one another? There is absolutely no use in it as all it does is tear someone else down so we can feel better about ourselves. The verse also goes on to tells us if we speak evil we are also speaking evil about the law and judging the law...wow! The law is God's Word and we have no right or business speaking evil or judging God's Word. The verse goes on to tell us we then become judges and not a doer of the law. Previously in James he has told us we need to be doers of the Word not hearers so if we are judging we are not doing what God's word tells us to do!!! Stop and think about that for a moment. Verse 12 sums it up there is only one Lawgiver, who has the ability to save and destroy...that being God, so who are to to judge??? We have no right so why do we do it? Be on guard my friends and listen to what God is saying this morning. Don't judge or speak evil of others!
Tell some about Jesus today...it will bless them and you!
11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?
Here are two verses that get right to the point this morning. Basically verese 11 tells us not to speak evil of anybody else. If we do then we are judging that person. This is a big problem in today's society and it has even infiltated the church. Why do we talk bad about one another? There is absolutely no use in it as all it does is tear someone else down so we can feel better about ourselves. The verse also goes on to tells us if we speak evil we are also speaking evil about the law and judging the law...wow! The law is God's Word and we have no right or business speaking evil or judging God's Word. The verse goes on to tell us we then become judges and not a doer of the law. Previously in James he has told us we need to be doers of the Word not hearers so if we are judging we are not doing what God's word tells us to do!!! Stop and think about that for a moment. Verse 12 sums it up there is only one Lawgiver, who has the ability to save and destroy...that being God, so who are to to judge??? We have no right so why do we do it? Be on guard my friends and listen to what God is saying this morning. Don't judge or speak evil of others!
Tell some about Jesus today...it will bless them and you!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Want to be close to God?
God gives us the answer to the above question in this verse:
James 4:8
8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded
Oh if we would just listen closely to God. He gives os all the answers to life but we seem to have such a hard time grabing on to them. Draw near to God. How do we do that? Pretty simple really. How do you draw near to anyone? By spending a great amount of time with that person. Sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings. Communication! It is no different with God. We say we want to be close to God but are we willing to invest the time and energy? Prayer, Bible study, worship, fellowship are all important to growing closer to God. A great relationship takes work on both parts. I know God is willing on His side are we on our side? The second half of the verse tells us we must get sin out to be in a good relationship with God. Remember God is Holy and Righteous so must continually cleanse ourselves to have the best relationship we can with our heavenly father!
So do you really want to be close to God? Then get busy and do what needs to be done and you can be!
Thank you Jesus for paving the way to friendship with God!
James 4:8
8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded
Oh if we would just listen closely to God. He gives os all the answers to life but we seem to have such a hard time grabing on to them. Draw near to God. How do we do that? Pretty simple really. How do you draw near to anyone? By spending a great amount of time with that person. Sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings. Communication! It is no different with God. We say we want to be close to God but are we willing to invest the time and energy? Prayer, Bible study, worship, fellowship are all important to growing closer to God. A great relationship takes work on both parts. I know God is willing on His side are we on our side? The second half of the verse tells us we must get sin out to be in a good relationship with God. Remember God is Holy and Righteous so must continually cleanse ourselves to have the best relationship we can with our heavenly father!
So do you really want to be close to God? Then get busy and do what needs to be done and you can be!
Thank you Jesus for paving the way to friendship with God!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Submit to God
This is a verse I have known for quit a while now. It is very simple but yet very hard. Hear it is:
James 4:7
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
OK here is the truth. Submit to God and the devil will flee. Sounds oh so very easy doesn't it? Well it isn't. It is a spiritual battle everyday. We must be on guard at every second. I believe this is why God tells us to pray without ceasing as that will keep us in close contact with Him throughout the day. The devil is prowling around us just waiting for the opportunity to jump in and hurt our relationship with Gid. Now this word submit it hard for us humans to do. We don't like authority. We want to be in charge but that is what God desires form each of us. Giving all of our selves to Him. Did you catch that ALL of ourselves. He don't want just a piece here and a piece there...it is total submission. Have you done that? For me some days are better than others. Those are the days the devil usually gets the best of me because I did not submit totally!!! I pray you think about this devotion today. It can be done but we must be willing to give all of ourselves to God!
I love you all in the Lord...if I can ever be of service to you just send me a note!
James 4:7
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
OK here is the truth. Submit to God and the devil will flee. Sounds oh so very easy doesn't it? Well it isn't. It is a spiritual battle everyday. We must be on guard at every second. I believe this is why God tells us to pray without ceasing as that will keep us in close contact with Him throughout the day. The devil is prowling around us just waiting for the opportunity to jump in and hurt our relationship with Gid. Now this word submit it hard for us humans to do. We don't like authority. We want to be in charge but that is what God desires form each of us. Giving all of our selves to Him. Did you catch that ALL of ourselves. He don't want just a piece here and a piece there...it is total submission. Have you done that? For me some days are better than others. Those are the days the devil usually gets the best of me because I did not submit totally!!! I pray you think about this devotion today. It can be done but we must be willing to give all of ourselves to God!
I love you all in the Lord...if I can ever be of service to you just send me a note!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Who is your friend?
Another verse to day that will make you do some thinking!
James 4:4
4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
What is it in us that wants the World to see us and love us? Why are we so obsessed in impressing others? I guess it all comes down to pride. This verse warns us about cheating on God. James calls those who do adulterers and adulteresses! Wow. He goes on to tell us that if we are friends it is enmity with God. What does enmity mean? Enmity is a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism. That pretty well sums up of how God feels when we put the World before Him. What has the world done for us that we would turn our backs on God? Absolutely nothing. What has God done that He deserves our complete devotion Absoltely everything! Even to the point of sacrificing His Son for sinners such as us...wow. Thank you God!
So it is our choice today...who is your friend? God or the world. Who are you trying to impress? That will give you the answer!
Have a great week!
James 4:4
4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
What is it in us that wants the World to see us and love us? Why are we so obsessed in impressing others? I guess it all comes down to pride. This verse warns us about cheating on God. James calls those who do adulterers and adulteresses! Wow. He goes on to tell us that if we are friends it is enmity with God. What does enmity mean? Enmity is a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism. That pretty well sums up of how God feels when we put the World before Him. What has the world done for us that we would turn our backs on God? Absolutely nothing. What has God done that He deserves our complete devotion Absoltely everything! Even to the point of sacrificing His Son for sinners such as us...wow. Thank you God!
So it is our choice today...who is your friend? God or the world. Who are you trying to impress? That will give you the answer!
Have a great week!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Why don't we have peace?
Looks like the answer is right here:
James 4:1-3
1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
Again God's word is so simple. Why don't we have peace? Because of our own selfish desires for pleasure that is what verse 1 tells us and when you sit right down and think about it...it is very true! Verse 2 tells us we lust and we murder and we covet and guess what when we can't have something we decide we ill just go and take it by force! Which is what fighting and war. Then God goes on to say we do not have because we do not ask. Does this mean God is a genie and gives us what we want all we have to do is ask? Some teach that but it is not consistant with other scriptures. When we are right with God we learn to ask for our needs and are satisfied with that. Everything else is just added blessings God adds on. Verse 3 sums it up. The reason we don't recieve is because we are asking outside God's will (amiss), we ask for our own selfish desires instead of what our needs are!!!
So you want some peace? Stay focused on God's will and you will find it!
God bless!
James 4:1-3
1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
Again God's word is so simple. Why don't we have peace? Because of our own selfish desires for pleasure that is what verse 1 tells us and when you sit right down and think about it...it is very true! Verse 2 tells us we lust and we murder and we covet and guess what when we can't have something we decide we ill just go and take it by force! Which is what fighting and war. Then God goes on to say we do not have because we do not ask. Does this mean God is a genie and gives us what we want all we have to do is ask? Some teach that but it is not consistant with other scriptures. When we are right with God we learn to ask for our needs and are satisfied with that. Everything else is just added blessings God adds on. Verse 3 sums it up. The reason we don't recieve is because we are asking outside God's will (amiss), we ask for our own selfish desires instead of what our needs are!!!
So you want some peace? Stay focused on God's will and you will find it!
God bless!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The truth is easy to see!
Wow I read these verses this morning and thought they are pretty self explanatory. Here they are:
James 3:14-18
14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Really soak up what God is saying to us this morning. Bitter envy! Are we envious of others to the point of bitterness? It is easy to say no but think about it. Does someone else have something you don't and it really bothers you? I think this is a major issue in our society today. God's word says be content. Are we self seeking? Hmmm the best way to answer that is to ask yourself are you worried about your self more than others. I find this is one we must constantly work at because we are naturally selfish! Are we boastful? Humility is what God desires in His children. Do we lie against the word. Before you say no ask yourself do I do what God's word says all the time? If we don't but call ourselves followers of God then we are lying against the truth. Wow think on that for a moment. Look at verse 15 and it's description of verse 14. That should get your attention!!! Then look at verse 17 and its description of wisdom. If that desrition does not describe you and I then we have some work to do and we need to get busy right now! Look at that description in verse 16 and ask yourself each one... Am I....self-seeking?...Envious?....Is my life full of confusion? Hmmm asking that can be painful but God's word is suppose to cut us so it can get our attention and then make some changes! Then look at the description in verse 17 and ask yourself if these describe you...pure by God's standards?.....peacable?.....gentle?...willing to yeild (ouch)?....full of mercy?....good fruits?....without partiality?...and with out hypocrisy? Here is what I am thinking reading these...Gee whiz God just beat me over the head!!! Which means I am a work in progress!!! Are you willing to let God mold and shape you or are you in control? Verses 18 sums it up by saying peace is where the answer lies through righteousness which can only be obtained by submission to God.
Well I have plenty to meditate on now so I better get to it! How about you!
God bless you and Thank you Veterans for all you have done for us and may God bless you greatly!
James 3:14-18
14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Really soak up what God is saying to us this morning. Bitter envy! Are we envious of others to the point of bitterness? It is easy to say no but think about it. Does someone else have something you don't and it really bothers you? I think this is a major issue in our society today. God's word says be content. Are we self seeking? Hmmm the best way to answer that is to ask yourself are you worried about your self more than others. I find this is one we must constantly work at because we are naturally selfish! Are we boastful? Humility is what God desires in His children. Do we lie against the word. Before you say no ask yourself do I do what God's word says all the time? If we don't but call ourselves followers of God then we are lying against the truth. Wow think on that for a moment. Look at verse 15 and it's description of verse 14. That should get your attention!!! Then look at verse 17 and its description of wisdom. If that desrition does not describe you and I then we have some work to do and we need to get busy right now! Look at that description in verse 16 and ask yourself each one... Am I....self-seeking?...Envious?....Is my life full of confusion? Hmmm asking that can be painful but God's word is suppose to cut us so it can get our attention and then make some changes! Then look at the description in verse 17 and ask yourself if these describe you...pure by God's standards?.....peacable?.....gentle?...willing to yeild (ouch)?....full of mercy?....good fruits?....without partiality?...and with out hypocrisy? Here is what I am thinking reading these...Gee whiz God just beat me over the head!!! Which means I am a work in progress!!! Are you willing to let God mold and shape you or are you in control? Verses 18 sums it up by saying peace is where the answer lies through righteousness which can only be obtained by submission to God.
Well I have plenty to meditate on now so I better get to it! How about you!
God bless you and Thank you Veterans for all you have done for us and may God bless you greatly!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Who is wise?
Here is the verse for today:
James 3:13
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
So do you think you are wise? When I answer this for myself I must say as I get older I get wiser but I have a long way to go! The only way I get wiser is by studying and obeying the word of God. That is it. The world does not make me wiser but God does. His word tells me that over and over. I know many folks who think they are wise but they are not. They are full of worldly wisdom but have very little knowledge of God and how He works or what He expects from His children. This verse tells us who is wise. Works done by good conduct. Well the only thing good is God so our works must be done in representation of Him. The word meekness can mean overly submissive so I like to think of this part of the verse says that we should be overly submissive of wisdom....who is the all wise One??? God of coures. So let us submit to His wisdom...the Bible!
So let's sum this up....if you want to be wise submit to the wisdom of God's Word ahd prove it by working and having good conduct while doing that work for the Lord!
So let me ask again...Are you wise?
Have a great week!
James 3:13
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
So do you think you are wise? When I answer this for myself I must say as I get older I get wiser but I have a long way to go! The only way I get wiser is by studying and obeying the word of God. That is it. The world does not make me wiser but God does. His word tells me that over and over. I know many folks who think they are wise but they are not. They are full of worldly wisdom but have very little knowledge of God and how He works or what He expects from His children. This verse tells us who is wise. Works done by good conduct. Well the only thing good is God so our works must be done in representation of Him. The word meekness can mean overly submissive so I like to think of this part of the verse says that we should be overly submissive of wisdom....who is the all wise One??? God of coures. So let us submit to His wisdom...the Bible!
So let's sum this up....if you want to be wise submit to the wisdom of God's Word ahd prove it by working and having good conduct while doing that work for the Lord!
So let me ask again...Are you wise?
Have a great week!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Is the tongue dangerous?
Read thses verses for the answer to the title:
2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. 4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.
So what do you thing can the tongue be dangerous? In veres 3 and 4 James gives us the examples of how big things, horses and ships, can be controlled by somesomething little, bits and rudders. Then in verse 5 James says how the little body part the tongue can do major things!! It can great a great fire of sin! Wow if humans would just think about what words can do to others! Verse 6 basically tells us that it can destroy us and is used by satan himself! Verse 7 tells all creatures can be tamed by man and in verse 7 it tells us that man can not tame the tongue! It is evil and full of poison that can kill somebodies spirit. Really think about verse 9...men use their tongue to bless God but turn right around and curse man who is made in God's image....why do we do such things? I believe James is warning us when he says these things ought not to be!!! I agree. A part of the Christians life is self-contol and the tongue is part of that.
Let us make sure the bridle is on our tongue and be sure if we are talking it is building someone up not tearing them down!
God bless...Tom
2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. 4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.
So what do you thing can the tongue be dangerous? In veres 3 and 4 James gives us the examples of how big things, horses and ships, can be controlled by somesomething little, bits and rudders. Then in verse 5 James says how the little body part the tongue can do major things!! It can great a great fire of sin! Wow if humans would just think about what words can do to others! Verse 6 basically tells us that it can destroy us and is used by satan himself! Verse 7 tells all creatures can be tamed by man and in verse 7 it tells us that man can not tame the tongue! It is evil and full of poison that can kill somebodies spirit. Really think about verse 9...men use their tongue to bless God but turn right around and curse man who is made in God's image....why do we do such things? I believe James is warning us when he says these things ought not to be!!! I agree. A part of the Christians life is self-contol and the tongue is part of that.
Let us make sure the bridle is on our tongue and be sure if we are talking it is building someone up not tearing them down!
God bless...Tom
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Teachers beware!
This scripture is a clear warning that those who teach God's word...check it out:
James 3:1
1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
As a parecher, Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, discipleship teacher, or anyone who is teaching others about God's word we need to heed this teaching of scripture. God's word is well.. the Word of God and needs to be handled as so. This scripture is plainly saying those of us who teach it will be held to a higher standard so we had better teach it correctly. I always pray for God's guidance and that I will see scripture exactly how He wants it to be taught not what I want it to say! This can be very hard to do because many folks want us to tickle thier ears with the easy things of God but to stay away from the challenging things of God. As teachers we must present the truth no matter what! It may cost us friends or church memebers when we present the truth because the Word will cut like a knife but when we stay true to the Word, God is happy with us and that is the most important concern we should have.
So remember those of you who God has chosen to teach stay true to the Word and when you see God face to face you will have nothing to worry about!
God bless you who teach the Word of God, it is a very important job!
James 3:1
1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
As a parecher, Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, discipleship teacher, or anyone who is teaching others about God's word we need to heed this teaching of scripture. God's word is well.. the Word of God and needs to be handled as so. This scripture is plainly saying those of us who teach it will be held to a higher standard so we had better teach it correctly. I always pray for God's guidance and that I will see scripture exactly how He wants it to be taught not what I want it to say! This can be very hard to do because many folks want us to tickle thier ears with the easy things of God but to stay away from the challenging things of God. As teachers we must present the truth no matter what! It may cost us friends or church memebers when we present the truth because the Word will cut like a knife but when we stay true to the Word, God is happy with us and that is the most important concern we should have.
So remember those of you who God has chosen to teach stay true to the Word and when you see God face to face you will have nothing to worry about!
God bless you who teach the Word of God, it is a very important job!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
God...I believe but????
As we look at this verse remember yesterday we talked about having faith and proving it by your works and then we come to this verse:
James 2:19
19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!
What James is trying to say to us here is this. Many folks believe that their is a God. James even tells us that the demons believe that and it causes them to tremble. But what James is also trying to get us to see here is that if we believe in our God we should be working for him. Our awe and fear of God should cause us to want to serve the One who died on the cross for our sins. What makes our faith real? Is those who serve or those who talk but have no action? Of course it is the one who proves what they believe by serving our King. Pretty simple huh?
Have a great day in the Lord!
James 2:19
19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!
What James is trying to say to us here is this. Many folks believe that their is a God. James even tells us that the demons believe that and it causes them to tremble. But what James is also trying to get us to see here is that if we believe in our God we should be working for him. Our awe and fear of God should cause us to want to serve the One who died on the cross for our sins. What makes our faith real? Is those who serve or those who talk but have no action? Of course it is the one who proves what they believe by serving our King. Pretty simple huh?
Have a great day in the Lord!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Are you working?
Ahh this morning we get to talk about one of the subjects that there are so many varing opinions on in the church today. To be honest I don't see why. It seems very clear to me in scripture. Here are the verses:
James 2:14-17
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
I can sum this up pretty quickly what these verses say....you prove your faith by your works! Now that isn't so difficult is it? Some folks want to say you are saved by your works...that is not what this says. It says when you are saved you will then have the desire to work for your King! Verse 14 says if we say we have faith but do nothing are we saved? Then it gives an example in verse 15-16 if some one is without clothes and hungry and all we do is say go away in peace and be full and warm what good is it? Absolutely none! As believers in Christ we must do as He would do and that is give them some food and clothes! So verse 17 goes on to say faith without works is dead. Of no value. True followers of God will prove it by serving others...with our works. I hope this clarifies this for you this morning.
So here is the question....are you proving your faith?
James 2:14-17
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
I can sum this up pretty quickly what these verses say....you prove your faith by your works! Now that isn't so difficult is it? Some folks want to say you are saved by your works...that is not what this says. It says when you are saved you will then have the desire to work for your King! Verse 14 says if we say we have faith but do nothing are we saved? Then it gives an example in verse 15-16 if some one is without clothes and hungry and all we do is say go away in peace and be full and warm what good is it? Absolutely none! As believers in Christ we must do as He would do and that is give them some food and clothes! So verse 17 goes on to say faith without works is dead. Of no value. True followers of God will prove it by serving others...with our works. I hope this clarifies this for you this morning.
So here is the question....are you proving your faith?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Eyes of jesus??
Short and sweet this morning. Think about this. Do you have the eyes of Jesus? Do you see the broken hearted, the poor, the sick, and the lost? I guess a better question is do you minister to these folks. Jesus did and he expects his followers too also. The Bible says " Be doers of the word not just hearers." Think about this today and watch this video I believe it will speak to your heart!
God bless...Tom
God bless...Tom
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Show some mercy!
James is so filled with good lessons. Here is another! Here is the verse:
James 2:13
13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Take time to read this three or four times and really soak it in. First of all if I recall correctly from the Word of God we are not to judge others. But it seems we do that often anyway. If we do judge others what does it say? We must show mercy. You may be thinking well so and so doesn't deserve mercy. Well my friend niether do we but our merciful God gives it to us anyway through His Son Jesus Christ. I know we want to say "but" and then give our reasoning. There are no reasons good enough...NONE! If we look at the sins we have commited against God and see day in and day out the mercy God showers upon us it should be easy for us to see the mercy we give to others is really not much in comparison to Him! The latter part of this verse shows us where victory is in showing mercy instead of judgement. So how is your mercy? We have received plenty let's make sure we are giving plenty!
Have a great day!
James 2:13
13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Take time to read this three or four times and really soak it in. First of all if I recall correctly from the Word of God we are not to judge others. But it seems we do that often anyway. If we do judge others what does it say? We must show mercy. You may be thinking well so and so doesn't deserve mercy. Well my friend niether do we but our merciful God gives it to us anyway through His Son Jesus Christ. I know we want to say "but" and then give our reasoning. There are no reasons good enough...NONE! If we look at the sins we have commited against God and see day in and day out the mercy God showers upon us it should be easy for us to see the mercy we give to others is really not much in comparison to Him! The latter part of this verse shows us where victory is in showing mercy instead of judgement. So how is your mercy? We have received plenty let's make sure we are giving plenty!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Here is todays verse:
James 2:10
10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
This is a very good witnessing verse. It is so very simple. We need to grasp the point of it. We can be very good people. Matter of fact we may live up to most of the Word of God. But!!! If we stumble in one point we are guilty of all. We are sinners plain and simple. Do you know anybody who is sinless? I don't except one Jesus Christ. Matter of fact the majority of us sin daily. A thought, an unkind word, acting on our sin in anger, gossip, and list goes on and on! The good news of all this is we have One who paid for our sin on the cross. Jesus the sinless One came to this eath to be sacrificed on our behalf. Thank you Jesus, Mighty King, Prince of peace, Glorious One. Oh how we need to be shouting from the roof tops the name of Jesus. Folks don't let the world keep you silent. More than ever we need to stand for what we believe!!
We are guilty but when we call upon the name of Jesus we are FREE!!!
Tell someone about Jesus today!
James 2:10
10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
This is a very good witnessing verse. It is so very simple. We need to grasp the point of it. We can be very good people. Matter of fact we may live up to most of the Word of God. But!!! If we stumble in one point we are guilty of all. We are sinners plain and simple. Do you know anybody who is sinless? I don't except one Jesus Christ. Matter of fact the majority of us sin daily. A thought, an unkind word, acting on our sin in anger, gossip, and list goes on and on! The good news of all this is we have One who paid for our sin on the cross. Jesus the sinless One came to this eath to be sacrificed on our behalf. Thank you Jesus, Mighty King, Prince of peace, Glorious One. Oh how we need to be shouting from the roof tops the name of Jesus. Folks don't let the world keep you silent. More than ever we need to stand for what we believe!!
We are guilty but when we call upon the name of Jesus we are FREE!!!
Tell someone about Jesus today!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Royal law.
Good Monday moring to everyone. I hope you had a blessed weekend and found time to praise the living God. Here is today's verse:
James 2:8
8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well;
This verse is so very simple but yet so very hard. Jesus told us out of His own mouth that this is the second greatest commandment with loving God with everything we have as the first. I was listening to a Christian radio station the other day and a woman called in and this was her question "How can we love others as ourselves when others are so hard to get along with?" There is a whole lot of truth to that isn't there? We pick those folks we get along with best to be our friends and we try to avoid those we don't get along with very well. According to James here though we fullfill the royal law by loving our neighbor as ourselves. Why is it a royal law? Because our King said it! Plain and simple. One of the problems I see today though is their are many people who really don't love themselves! That is where a relationship with Jesus comes in. When you have that relationship you know how much Jesus values you and others. He loves you so much He died for you! Now that proves His love. And because of that fact we should love our neighbors as ourselves because He died for them just as much as He died for you! I like the last part of verse 8 "you do well". It sounds as almost God knows some folks are hard to love! But it is a command from our Lord and this Kingdom is not a democracy it is a Monoarchy. I don't know about you but I am gonna follow my King!
Tell or show someone you love them today...it just may change their life!
James 2:8
8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well;
This verse is so very simple but yet so very hard. Jesus told us out of His own mouth that this is the second greatest commandment with loving God with everything we have as the first. I was listening to a Christian radio station the other day and a woman called in and this was her question "How can we love others as ourselves when others are so hard to get along with?" There is a whole lot of truth to that isn't there? We pick those folks we get along with best to be our friends and we try to avoid those we don't get along with very well. According to James here though we fullfill the royal law by loving our neighbor as ourselves. Why is it a royal law? Because our King said it! Plain and simple. One of the problems I see today though is their are many people who really don't love themselves! That is where a relationship with Jesus comes in. When you have that relationship you know how much Jesus values you and others. He loves you so much He died for you! Now that proves His love. And because of that fact we should love our neighbors as ourselves because He died for them just as much as He died for you! I like the last part of verse 8 "you do well". It sounds as almost God knows some folks are hard to love! But it is a command from our Lord and this Kingdom is not a democracy it is a Monoarchy. I don't know about you but I am gonna follow my King!
Tell or show someone you love them today...it just may change their life!
Friday, October 23, 2009
God uses the poor!
Here are today's verses...very interesting:
James 2:5-7
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? 7 Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?
Verse 5 tells us that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. Think about how many stories int he Bible where God used those who were not in authority positions to do His work. You have to search to find those who are in authority that God did use! I think that speaks volumes to us today. If the weak and poor are valuable to God then they should be valuable to us. The weak and the poor may be us! If that is the case we need to recognize that God wants to use us in His work. But we must love Him and be available to be used. Verse 6 goes on to tell us that the rich are selfish and drag folks to court although now days there are many poor who try to drag others to court also to try and get rich many times unjustly. The rich drag folks to court just to keep their oppresive hand beating down the poor. The rich it says in verse 7 even blaspheme the name of Jesus in which we are called. Their day is coming one day.
So how does this speak to us this morning. Well if you are the poor keep your head up. God loves you and wants to use and will use you if you love Him and make yourself available to Him. Read His Word and find out how he generally uses those who are not rich in service to Him. If you are rich make sure you are treating those who are less fortunate than you right. God uses the rich in His kingdom too and wants to use you. But God also warned in His word that is is very hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God because of all the temptation that having money brings. God said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of God...so make sure you take this warning to heart!
God wants to use us all and for all to love Him and each other!
James 2:5-7
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? 7 Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?
Verse 5 tells us that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. Think about how many stories int he Bible where God used those who were not in authority positions to do His work. You have to search to find those who are in authority that God did use! I think that speaks volumes to us today. If the weak and poor are valuable to God then they should be valuable to us. The weak and the poor may be us! If that is the case we need to recognize that God wants to use us in His work. But we must love Him and be available to be used. Verse 6 goes on to tell us that the rich are selfish and drag folks to court although now days there are many poor who try to drag others to court also to try and get rich many times unjustly. The rich drag folks to court just to keep their oppresive hand beating down the poor. The rich it says in verse 7 even blaspheme the name of Jesus in which we are called. Their day is coming one day.
So how does this speak to us this morning. Well if you are the poor keep your head up. God loves you and wants to use and will use you if you love Him and make yourself available to Him. Read His Word and find out how he generally uses those who are not rich in service to Him. If you are rich make sure you are treating those who are less fortunate than you right. God uses the rich in His kingdom too and wants to use you. But God also warned in His word that is is very hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God because of all the temptation that having money brings. God said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of God...so make sure you take this warning to heart!
God wants to use us all and for all to love Him and each other!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Are we partial?
I am afraid the modern church may be guilty of this! Read today's verses carefully and evaluate your own church.
James 2:1-4
1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?
Now I really want you to think about this situation. Put it in today's language. If a family came in your church dressed nice and looked like your all American family how many folks would run to greet them and make them feel welcome??? Now on the other hand if a family came in and smelled and were not dressed very well....how many folks would run to greet them and make them feel welcome? Be honest. In many churches today people would stare and ask each other why are they here. And in many cases that church will never see that family again because they were well aware of the fact that they were not welcome. Look what the latter part of this verse says if we act with partiality...we have become judges with evil thoughts! WOW stop and think about that. We are not to be judges! That is the job of our Lord Jesus Christ when we meet Him face to face. When I think about this situation it breaks my heart that so many people are hurt by the church. This should not be so. ALL are welcome in the house of the Lord. So this morning let us make sure this is not taking place in our church and if it is not let us be in prayer for other churches...our brothers and sisters in Christ that we are loving others not judging others!
God bless...and tell someone you love them today!
James 2:1-4
1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?
Now I really want you to think about this situation. Put it in today's language. If a family came in your church dressed nice and looked like your all American family how many folks would run to greet them and make them feel welcome??? Now on the other hand if a family came in and smelled and were not dressed very well....how many folks would run to greet them and make them feel welcome? Be honest. In many churches today people would stare and ask each other why are they here. And in many cases that church will never see that family again because they were well aware of the fact that they were not welcome. Look what the latter part of this verse says if we act with partiality...we have become judges with evil thoughts! WOW stop and think about that. We are not to be judges! That is the job of our Lord Jesus Christ when we meet Him face to face. When I think about this situation it breaks my heart that so many people are hurt by the church. This should not be so. ALL are welcome in the house of the Lord. So this morning let us make sure this is not taking place in our church and if it is not let us be in prayer for other churches...our brothers and sisters in Christ that we are loving others not judging others!
God bless...and tell someone you love them today!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Are we pure?
I love the book of James. It will beat you over the head but also keeps you on the right path if you will heed its teachings. Are you ready? Here we go for today's lesson!
James 1:27
27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
There are three points in this one verse to look at. Pure religion before God...wow just think about that for a moment before we jump into the points. I hope that is what we all desire before our God. Pretty deep when you think about it. Then we look at our first point....visit orphans. So I must ask my self when is the last time I have visited an orphan? I could make excuses and say well there arn't any around my area or I don't have time or whatever but the point is clear we are to visit orphans. There are plenty of orphan homes around if we want to find them. Why do you think it is important to visit orphans. I think it is very simple. To let them know they are loved and important and who better than us to share the love of God with them. The second point is visit widows. They are many times lonely and need help around their house. If they are some sort of home then they love getting visits. If you have ever went visiting a widower and seen their face light up when you take time to sit down and visit then their is no better explanation than that. When we visit we bless them but it has been my expirience that I am the one who receives the blessing!!! The verse says "in thier trouble". When you are an orphan or a widow lonlines is a trouble placed upon them and it is our job to help with that burden! The third point is keep yourslef unspotted from the wordl!!! Hmmm How do we do that? By obeying the Word of God plain and simple. His book is pretty clear on how to keep our lives lined up with what He desires from us. So read the Bible. If you haven't read the entire Bible I challenge you to do so. The most important book ever written why don't we know it better than we do???
So are you pure this morning? Look at thos e three points and then answer the question!
Pray for someone today!
James 1:27
27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
There are three points in this one verse to look at. Pure religion before God...wow just think about that for a moment before we jump into the points. I hope that is what we all desire before our God. Pretty deep when you think about it. Then we look at our first point....visit orphans. So I must ask my self when is the last time I have visited an orphan? I could make excuses and say well there arn't any around my area or I don't have time or whatever but the point is clear we are to visit orphans. There are plenty of orphan homes around if we want to find them. Why do you think it is important to visit orphans. I think it is very simple. To let them know they are loved and important and who better than us to share the love of God with them. The second point is visit widows. They are many times lonely and need help around their house. If they are some sort of home then they love getting visits. If you have ever went visiting a widower and seen their face light up when you take time to sit down and visit then their is no better explanation than that. When we visit we bless them but it has been my expirience that I am the one who receives the blessing!!! The verse says "in thier trouble". When you are an orphan or a widow lonlines is a trouble placed upon them and it is our job to help with that burden! The third point is keep yourslef unspotted from the wordl!!! Hmmm How do we do that? By obeying the Word of God plain and simple. His book is pretty clear on how to keep our lives lined up with what He desires from us. So read the Bible. If you haven't read the entire Bible I challenge you to do so. The most important book ever written why don't we know it better than we do???
So are you pure this morning? Look at thos e three points and then answer the question!
Pray for someone today!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hold onto that tongue!
Wow this verse is one for most all of us to put into action in our daily life! Here it is:
James 1:26
26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.
Here is the question for us this morning. How many of us think we are pretty godly folks but we can not control what comes out of our mouths? We live in a society today where if you disagree with something then your are to voice your opinion and voice it strongly. It don't matter who you step all over just get your point across!! Well acording to what I read here, our faith is not of much use if we can not control our tongue. Matter of fact according to this verse it says if we can't our faith is useless!!! Let me give you an example that I have seen played out many times. The old ballpark. I have seen folks completly lose it over a bad call (or sometimes the call was right they just didn't like it) or their child drops a ball and they gt all over the child. Wow has that person just ruined his their witness and their religion at that point it is useless! Now we could go on and on with examples but I am pretty sure you can think of your own. Jesus is our example and he always spoke with love and compassion.
Self control is what our Lord expects from us...lets us make sure we are practicing that by controling our mouths!
James 1:26
26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.
Here is the question for us this morning. How many of us think we are pretty godly folks but we can not control what comes out of our mouths? We live in a society today where if you disagree with something then your are to voice your opinion and voice it strongly. It don't matter who you step all over just get your point across!! Well acording to what I read here, our faith is not of much use if we can not control our tongue. Matter of fact according to this verse it says if we can't our faith is useless!!! Let me give you an example that I have seen played out many times. The old ballpark. I have seen folks completly lose it over a bad call (or sometimes the call was right they just didn't like it) or their child drops a ball and they gt all over the child. Wow has that person just ruined his their witness and their religion at that point it is useless! Now we could go on and on with examples but I am pretty sure you can think of your own. Jesus is our example and he always spoke with love and compassion.
Self control is what our Lord expects from us...lets us make sure we are practicing that by controling our mouths!
Take a look in the mirror!
Some more good words from the book of James!
James 1:23-25
23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
If you are like me....as I get older I kinda like to avoid the mirror. I can see age creeping up on me. The wrinkles are getting more and more!!! This is a good Word and a great promise from James this morning. Remember the thought we are to be doers not just hearers of the Word of God. When we look in the mirror of our life what do you see? Do you see a person of God who is following as closely as they can to the Word of God or do you see some one who hears the Word but chooses to do as they please reguardless of what the Bible says. I am afraid the statistics say we have churches full of folks who hear but do not do. I have been reading a book by George Barna the Christian statistic man and his numbers back this up. When we look as verse 25 it says he who looks into the perfect law of liberty which means perfect law of freedom and we do what it says...it means we are a doer!!! For example how can we hear the Word say do not gossip but as soon as we leave church we talk about half the congregation??? We at that point have forgotten what kind of man/woman we are! We are suppose to be Christ like and tearing people down is not what Jesus was about...He was about loving others! It is work being a Christian but look what verse 25 says...this one(the one who does the work) will be blessed in what he does!!! Wow! Do we deserve a blessing for doing God's word...NO but that is the kinda God we serve. He blesses us for our faithfulness to Him. Thank you Jesus. I can tell you from first hand expirience doing the word of God brings blessings that are undescribable. Test the waters for yourself and tell me I am wrong I double dog dare you!
So take a look in the mirror today....what do you see??? A doer or a hearer?
James 1:23-25
23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
If you are like me....as I get older I kinda like to avoid the mirror. I can see age creeping up on me. The wrinkles are getting more and more!!! This is a good Word and a great promise from James this morning. Remember the thought we are to be doers not just hearers of the Word of God. When we look in the mirror of our life what do you see? Do you see a person of God who is following as closely as they can to the Word of God or do you see some one who hears the Word but chooses to do as they please reguardless of what the Bible says. I am afraid the statistics say we have churches full of folks who hear but do not do. I have been reading a book by George Barna the Christian statistic man and his numbers back this up. When we look as verse 25 it says he who looks into the perfect law of liberty which means perfect law of freedom and we do what it says...it means we are a doer!!! For example how can we hear the Word say do not gossip but as soon as we leave church we talk about half the congregation??? We at that point have forgotten what kind of man/woman we are! We are suppose to be Christ like and tearing people down is not what Jesus was about...He was about loving others! It is work being a Christian but look what verse 25 says...this one(the one who does the work) will be blessed in what he does!!! Wow! Do we deserve a blessing for doing God's word...NO but that is the kinda God we serve. He blesses us for our faithfulness to Him. Thank you Jesus. I can tell you from first hand expirience doing the word of God brings blessings that are undescribable. Test the waters for yourself and tell me I am wrong I double dog dare you!
So take a look in the mirror today....what do you see??? A doer or a hearer?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Do the Word
James 1:22 "But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
When the world is not doing the word of God that is no big suprise and why should they when Jesus has not transformed their lives. But when those who claim they are born again, blood bought Christians fail to obey and do the Word of God we are in serious trouble. Guess what we are in big trouble! Notice I said above claim they are Christians. This is where the problem lies in my opinion. There are many folks today in church and out that claim they are Christians. If one's life has not been transformed by accepting Christ and there is very little effort to do the Word of God I believe it is clear that they have never received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Look at what the above verse says if we hear only and do not do we are deceiving ourselves!!! I am amazed at how many folks will argue Bible points but have never read the entire Bible and they do not obey the teachings of Christ. Over 80% of the USA claim they are Christians....I believe the proof is in the pudding....does our nation live like the Word teaches??? Let's ask ourselves this morning are we doers or just hearers???
Thank you Jesus for your Word the Bible! Help us to do your Word not just talk about it and pretend we are yours!
When the world is not doing the word of God that is no big suprise and why should they when Jesus has not transformed their lives. But when those who claim they are born again, blood bought Christians fail to obey and do the Word of God we are in serious trouble. Guess what we are in big trouble! Notice I said above claim they are Christians. This is where the problem lies in my opinion. There are many folks today in church and out that claim they are Christians. If one's life has not been transformed by accepting Christ and there is very little effort to do the Word of God I believe it is clear that they have never received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Look at what the above verse says if we hear only and do not do we are deceiving ourselves!!! I am amazed at how many folks will argue Bible points but have never read the entire Bible and they do not obey the teachings of Christ. Over 80% of the USA claim they are Christians....I believe the proof is in the pudding....does our nation live like the Word teaches??? Let's ask ourselves this morning are we doers or just hearers???
Thank you Jesus for your Word the Bible! Help us to do your Word not just talk about it and pretend we are yours!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
What if ???
As you read this verse this morning keep in mind the thought what if.....
James 1:21
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
Here is my thought on the what if.......what if as Christians we actually got rid of all flithines and wickedness in our lives??? Could it possibly be that the reason we as Christians are not reaching more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ is because we are filthy and full of wickedness ourselves and so our light is not shining bright for Jesus? Before you answere that think about our lifestyles. The things we watch....movies and television. Do you watch things that God's word tells us to stay away from? It amazes me how many folks at church consistantly watch movies that glorify sin and think this is ok? Many even allow their kids to watch the garbage!!! Next what do you read? Are you putting whole- some Godly thoughts into your head or are you putting the smut and gossip the magazine stands sell? What do you listen to? Is it glorifingto God or is it glorifing sin...like sitting at the bar getting drunk thinking about cheating on your wife....I think you get the point. If you have kids you might want to check out their music casue what I just gave as an example may be mild!!! We as Christians are right in the middle of wickedness with the world and this should not be so! It says something about our walk with God because He says straight out TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THE WORLD!!! Are we? Are you?
God tells us how to get out of the world! Get into His Word! If you don't know the word than you don't know how to get out of worldy wickedness...plain and simple. Accepting God's word and applying it to ur lives shows we are in Christ Jesus thus our souls are saved. Thank you Jesus for the way to everlasting life!
What if Christians lived the way Jesus told us too? This world would be a different place! What if....ask youself this morning!
James 1:21
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
Here is my thought on the what if.......what if as Christians we actually got rid of all flithines and wickedness in our lives??? Could it possibly be that the reason we as Christians are not reaching more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ is because we are filthy and full of wickedness ourselves and so our light is not shining bright for Jesus? Before you answere that think about our lifestyles. The things we watch....movies and television. Do you watch things that God's word tells us to stay away from? It amazes me how many folks at church consistantly watch movies that glorify sin and think this is ok? Many even allow their kids to watch the garbage!!! Next what do you read? Are you putting whole- some Godly thoughts into your head or are you putting the smut and gossip the magazine stands sell? What do you listen to? Is it glorifingto God or is it glorifing sin...like sitting at the bar getting drunk thinking about cheating on your wife....I think you get the point. If you have kids you might want to check out their music casue what I just gave as an example may be mild!!! We as Christians are right in the middle of wickedness with the world and this should not be so! It says something about our walk with God because He says straight out TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THE WORLD!!! Are we? Are you?
God tells us how to get out of the world! Get into His Word! If you don't know the word than you don't know how to get out of worldy wickedness...plain and simple. Accepting God's word and applying it to ur lives shows we are in Christ Jesus thus our souls are saved. Thank you Jesus for the way to everlasting life!
What if Christians lived the way Jesus told us too? This world would be a different place! What if....ask youself this morning!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Slow to speak!
This lesson sure has spoke to me over the years. Here are the verses:
James 1:19-20
19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Ahhh theses verses are very practical for the Christian. I can not count how many times over the years I have failed in these areas and had to pay the consequences for what I had done. What about you? The first thing said here in verse 19 is swift to hear. In other words quick to hear. My wife often tells me I don't listen!! How many times are we distracted by things that are not important like the t.v. from listening to those that are important like our wife and kids? Folks this should not be so. We can take it even deeper and ask our selves are we swift to hear God or do we let the ole' devil distract us with worldly things. We must concentrate on listening to those things that are most important! The second part of verse 19 says slow to speak. If many of us would take this to heart we would keep ourselves out of alot of turmoil in our lives. How many times in our lives have we spoken quickly only to regret what we have said??? If we would think before we speak we would avoid this problem. Slow to wrath is next or slow to anger. This takes much effort for many. Some people are easy going and getting angry takes a long time to build up. For others though they can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. God warns us here if we have that problem. I have found over the years that one who gets angry easily makes bad decisions most of the time in their anger. If we can keep ourselves under control and let God guide us through the situation things turn out much better! God gives us the answere why we should keep ourselves under control in all of these areas... listening, speaking, and anger....they all go together. If we keep all of them under control we can produce the righteousness God desires from us....if we fail to listen, or speak when we shouldn't, or get angry easily we don't produce the righteousness that God desires in His children.
Doing these verses are not easy but when you are changed by the blood of Christ they are doable and should be a part of the Christians life!
James 1:19-20
19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Ahhh theses verses are very practical for the Christian. I can not count how many times over the years I have failed in these areas and had to pay the consequences for what I had done. What about you? The first thing said here in verse 19 is swift to hear. In other words quick to hear. My wife often tells me I don't listen!! How many times are we distracted by things that are not important like the t.v. from listening to those that are important like our wife and kids? Folks this should not be so. We can take it even deeper and ask our selves are we swift to hear God or do we let the ole' devil distract us with worldly things. We must concentrate on listening to those things that are most important! The second part of verse 19 says slow to speak. If many of us would take this to heart we would keep ourselves out of alot of turmoil in our lives. How many times in our lives have we spoken quickly only to regret what we have said??? If we would think before we speak we would avoid this problem. Slow to wrath is next or slow to anger. This takes much effort for many. Some people are easy going and getting angry takes a long time to build up. For others though they can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. God warns us here if we have that problem. I have found over the years that one who gets angry easily makes bad decisions most of the time in their anger. If we can keep ourselves under control and let God guide us through the situation things turn out much better! God gives us the answere why we should keep ourselves under control in all of these areas... listening, speaking, and anger....they all go together. If we keep all of them under control we can produce the righteousness God desires from us....if we fail to listen, or speak when we shouldn't, or get angry easily we don't produce the righteousness that God desires in His children.
Doing these verses are not easy but when you are changed by the blood of Christ they are doable and should be a part of the Christians life!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
All blessings come from God!
James 1:17-18
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
These verses are something to give praise to the Father about this morning. All good things come from God very simple to understand in verse 17. How many times do we let the blessings of God flow through us without giving thanks or praise to God. Every day all day long and with each breath God blesses us with we should be pouring out the praises to the one who is so giving...way more than we deserve. Our children, our homes, our money, our churches, our friends, and the list goes on and on. I wrote our but really all these things are God's he just lets us borrow them! I like to think of the perfect gift he has given us...Jesus Christ. If God never blessed us with anything else other than that perfect gift, his Son, that gift should be more than sufficient to get us through each day...thank you God! I also like the words "whom there is no variation or shadow of turning". God does not waver, He does not move to the right or to the left, He is the same everyday. A holy, Righteous, and Loving God. Think about that for a few moments. God does not move...we move from Him! In verse 18 it tells us God made us by His own word which is truth by His own will! Wow God made us because He wanted to! So He could love us! Stop and ponder that for a while! Why did God make us? So we could be a first amoung his creation. To worship Him! We are created in His image remember that.....nothing else is...that should tell us something right there!
God has blessed beyond belief...praise Him for that and never take it for granted!
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
These verses are something to give praise to the Father about this morning. All good things come from God very simple to understand in verse 17. How many times do we let the blessings of God flow through us without giving thanks or praise to God. Every day all day long and with each breath God blesses us with we should be pouring out the praises to the one who is so giving...way more than we deserve. Our children, our homes, our money, our churches, our friends, and the list goes on and on. I wrote our but really all these things are God's he just lets us borrow them! I like to think of the perfect gift he has given us...Jesus Christ. If God never blessed us with anything else other than that perfect gift, his Son, that gift should be more than sufficient to get us through each day...thank you God! I also like the words "whom there is no variation or shadow of turning". God does not waver, He does not move to the right or to the left, He is the same everyday. A holy, Righteous, and Loving God. Think about that for a few moments. God does not move...we move from Him! In verse 18 it tells us God made us by His own word which is truth by His own will! Wow God made us because He wanted to! So He could love us! Stop and ponder that for a while! Why did God make us? So we could be a first amoung his creation. To worship Him! We are created in His image remember that.....nothing else is...that should tell us something right there!
God has blessed beyond belief...praise Him for that and never take it for granted!
Monday, October 12, 2009
It is my own fault!
Good morning. I have been out of town and it is hard to keep borrowing someones computer to write a devotion so I got behind. Sorry! Anyway I am back. This mornings devotion makes us realize some things about ourselves! Here are the verses:
James 1:14-16
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
These verses start off telling us how we are tempted. We are drawn by our OWN desires! Not by somebody elses but our own. Notice the temptation is not sin. It is when we give in to that desire. In others words when we do what ever that temptation is it becomes sin. I can only speak fo myself here but I cannot count how many times when a temptation is before me that God through the Holy Spirit warns me that this is sin. This is when it becomes my choice to sin or not to sin! Thank you God for the Holy Sprirt...help my decision making be in line with your word. I read some where an interesting thought. In verse 15 it talks of dersire being concieved then birthing sin. Who is the father of that sin??? Satan for he is the father of all lies and sin. Be very careful and do not let satan birth that sin into your life! Verse 15 goes onto say that sin leads to death both spiritually and physically. The only way to overcome that death is through the shed blood of Jesus. The in verse 16 James warns us to not be dedeived. Be on the watch for the lies of sin. And remember satan tempts but when we give in it is our own fault! Pray for one another and stay strong against the evil one!
Have a great week!
James 1:14-16
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
These verses start off telling us how we are tempted. We are drawn by our OWN desires! Not by somebody elses but our own. Notice the temptation is not sin. It is when we give in to that desire. In others words when we do what ever that temptation is it becomes sin. I can only speak fo myself here but I cannot count how many times when a temptation is before me that God through the Holy Spirit warns me that this is sin. This is when it becomes my choice to sin or not to sin! Thank you God for the Holy Sprirt...help my decision making be in line with your word. I read some where an interesting thought. In verse 15 it talks of dersire being concieved then birthing sin. Who is the father of that sin??? Satan for he is the father of all lies and sin. Be very careful and do not let satan birth that sin into your life! Verse 15 goes onto say that sin leads to death both spiritually and physically. The only way to overcome that death is through the shed blood of Jesus. The in verse 16 James warns us to not be dedeived. Be on the watch for the lies of sin. And remember satan tempts but when we give in it is our own fault! Pray for one another and stay strong against the evil one!
Have a great week!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tempted??? By who?Share
This something to chew on for a while today!
James 1:13
13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
There is important lesson here for us to grasp. God does not tempt us with evil. God has nothing to do with evil for He is Holy and Just. When temptation comes our way it is from the devil. Be sure you understand that. Every single day satan tempts us with various things. Usually it is in areas we are weak so as followers of Christ we must be on guard at all times. God gives us the strength to endure thses temptations so we are without excuse.
So remember we are tempted by the evil one not God!
Pray for someone who is lost today!
James 1:13
13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
There is important lesson here for us to grasp. God does not tempt us with evil. God has nothing to do with evil for He is Holy and Just. When temptation comes our way it is from the devil. Be sure you understand that. Every single day satan tempts us with various things. Usually it is in areas we are weak so as followers of Christ we must be on guard at all times. God gives us the strength to endure thses temptations so we are without excuse.
So remember we are tempted by the evil one not God!
Pray for someone who is lost today!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Enduring pays off!!
I am posting Monday's devotion on Sunday night as I am headed for Michigam in the morning to see some family and huint some deer. This verse is very important to grasp. Here it is:
James 1:12
12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him
Life is so hard isn't it? The devil is trying his best to make you stumble every day. I want to encourage you to endure through all the stumbling blocks satan throws out before you. God gives you all the strength you need to make it. When we fail we can not blame it on God it is all on our shoulders because God has given us all we need not to sin. This verse can say many different things when looked at but I want us to remember this one thing from it right now. God says when we endure temptation and when we are approved we will recieve the crown of life which God promises to those who love Him. There is one temptation one had better not fail...that temptation is not to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. That is the only way one can be approved by God...that is what the Bbile clearly teaches. The consequences of putting Jesus off are extreme. An eternity in hell...I don't think it gets any more extreme than that. But when we have been approved by receiving Jesus we are given the crown of life...which is an eternity in heaven. WOW Don't miss out on that! God promises us that crown if we love Him and if we truly love Him we love His Son who dies on the cross for our sins! Thank you Jesus!
So make sure you endure the ultimate temptation....to deny Christ....it will pay more than any Powerball, job, or 401k and that is a promise!
James 1:12
12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him
Life is so hard isn't it? The devil is trying his best to make you stumble every day. I want to encourage you to endure through all the stumbling blocks satan throws out before you. God gives you all the strength you need to make it. When we fail we can not blame it on God it is all on our shoulders because God has given us all we need not to sin. This verse can say many different things when looked at but I want us to remember this one thing from it right now. God says when we endure temptation and when we are approved we will recieve the crown of life which God promises to those who love Him. There is one temptation one had better not fail...that temptation is not to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. That is the only way one can be approved by God...that is what the Bbile clearly teaches. The consequences of putting Jesus off are extreme. An eternity in hell...I don't think it gets any more extreme than that. But when we have been approved by receiving Jesus we are given the crown of life...which is an eternity in heaven. WOW Don't miss out on that! God promises us that crown if we love Him and if we truly love Him we love His Son who dies on the cross for our sins! Thank you Jesus!
So make sure you endure the ultimate temptation....to deny Christ....it will pay more than any Powerball, job, or 401k and that is a promise!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Need some wisdom?
I don't know about you but I know I need some wisdom everyday!!! Read these verses for today:
James 1:5-6
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
I like how verse 5 starts out..."if any of you lacks wisdom"....well from what I see in today's world all of us need some wisdom. The verse goes on to say where we get wisdom...God!!! I want us to grasp this. We don't go to Oprah or Dr.Phil or any other man for true wisdom. It comes from God...please understand this. I believe this is why our world is in the shape it is in. We have put to much confidence in man instead of the One who has all the answers....God! Verse 5 goes on to say when we ask, God gives wisdom out liberally which means in large amounts...thank you God! He also gives as verse 5 says without reproach which means without blame. My brothers and sisters think about that for a moment. The only way we can be without blame before God this morning is through believing in his son Jesus who shed His blood on the cross for our sins. Thank you, thank you Jesus!! God goes on to tell us when we ask for wisdom it will be given to us. That just blows my mind that God gives it to us...his rebellous children. There is a but here though. Look in verse 6...we must ask in faith....in other words believing in God and His son Jesus. If we don't believe then we might as well not ask for wisdon because it will not be given. When we doubt the verse goes on to tell us what we are like....a wave tossed around like the wind. Can you picture that? I can. Picture a sea with a storm in it. The waves are tossed in every direction, but with true faith picture the sea that was calmed by Jesus....still and calm....so calm it is like a mirror. Wow what a mighty God we serve! Who loves us so much that all we have to do is ask for wisdom and it is given to those who believe!!
So if you want some wisdom come to the King this morning and believe! He will give you more than you can handle!
Have a great day!
James 1:5-6
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
I like how verse 5 starts out..."if any of you lacks wisdom"....well from what I see in today's world all of us need some wisdom. The verse goes on to say where we get wisdom...God!!! I want us to grasp this. We don't go to Oprah or Dr.Phil or any other man for true wisdom. It comes from God...please understand this. I believe this is why our world is in the shape it is in. We have put to much confidence in man instead of the One who has all the answers....God! Verse 5 goes on to say when we ask, God gives wisdom out liberally which means in large amounts...thank you God! He also gives as verse 5 says without reproach which means without blame. My brothers and sisters think about that for a moment. The only way we can be without blame before God this morning is through believing in his son Jesus who shed His blood on the cross for our sins. Thank you, thank you Jesus!! God goes on to tell us when we ask for wisdom it will be given to us. That just blows my mind that God gives it to us...his rebellous children. There is a but here though. Look in verse 6...we must ask in faith....in other words believing in God and His son Jesus. If we don't believe then we might as well not ask for wisdon because it will not be given. When we doubt the verse goes on to tell us what we are like....a wave tossed around like the wind. Can you picture that? I can. Picture a sea with a storm in it. The waves are tossed in every direction, but with true faith picture the sea that was calmed by Jesus....still and calm....so calm it is like a mirror. Wow what a mighty God we serve! Who loves us so much that all we have to do is ask for wisdom and it is given to those who believe!!
So if you want some wisdom come to the King this morning and believe! He will give you more than you can handle!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Joy...when having problems?
I have been studying the book of James and wanted to share some thoughts from there. James is one of my favorite books of the Bible I guess because it don't beat around the bush and pretty much tells it like it is. Here are the verses for today:
James 1:2-4
Profiting from Trials
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
I don't know about you but it has taken me many years to grasp the meaning of these verses. At first glance I think now how in the world is one suppose to count it joy when we are in the midst of problems. Naturally our tendencies are to not be very happy when we are having problems. James tells us here though we should be counting it as joy??? Well how do we do that? It all comes down to the state of mind we are in. Verses 3 and 4 help give us the answer. The trials we face are a test! Ever thought of that? When we come to realize that fact it changes our sate of mind. For example....when someone in the store cuts in front of you in line. Our first reaction is to say "hey I was here first get in the back of the line!!". Now if we are in the right frame of mind which means having the mind of Christ and knowing that we are tested daily we should put others first not say a word and let them have that spot! For me that is very hard to do! You see how in verse 3 it says this produces patience? Obviously from my example this will help produce patience. Verse 4 says our patience then produces perfect work. Perfect defined here means mature. So we become more mature in our faith. When we become mature in our faith we lack nothing as we are becoming more and more like Christ. That is what we should be striving for each day. Now I want to say this. The example I gave was an easy trial compared to some things we will face in this life....so you can see how if we face them in the right frame of mind, keeping God and others first, how we will grow in our maturity in the Lord. That is how we can have true joy in our lives by being obidient to Christ and His Word.
Do you have joy today....get your mind in line with the mind of Christ and you can!!!
James 1:2-4
Profiting from Trials
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
I don't know about you but it has taken me many years to grasp the meaning of these verses. At first glance I think now how in the world is one suppose to count it joy when we are in the midst of problems. Naturally our tendencies are to not be very happy when we are having problems. James tells us here though we should be counting it as joy??? Well how do we do that? It all comes down to the state of mind we are in. Verses 3 and 4 help give us the answer. The trials we face are a test! Ever thought of that? When we come to realize that fact it changes our sate of mind. For example....when someone in the store cuts in front of you in line. Our first reaction is to say "hey I was here first get in the back of the line!!". Now if we are in the right frame of mind which means having the mind of Christ and knowing that we are tested daily we should put others first not say a word and let them have that spot! For me that is very hard to do! You see how in verse 3 it says this produces patience? Obviously from my example this will help produce patience. Verse 4 says our patience then produces perfect work. Perfect defined here means mature. So we become more mature in our faith. When we become mature in our faith we lack nothing as we are becoming more and more like Christ. That is what we should be striving for each day. Now I want to say this. The example I gave was an easy trial compared to some things we will face in this life....so you can see how if we face them in the right frame of mind, keeping God and others first, how we will grow in our maturity in the Lord. That is how we can have true joy in our lives by being obidient to Christ and His Word.
Do you have joy today....get your mind in line with the mind of Christ and you can!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Blood trail.
I was fortunate to get in the woods this morning to do some deer hunting before work. Saturday was the official opening day but I was out of town so today was my opening day. I was about 10 minutes away from leaving my hunting spot when a doe appeared and was making her way to me. I made the shot with my crossbow and had to trail her blood trail to find her and I did about 70 yards from where I shot her. As I have thought about the blood trail it reminded me of Christ's blood trail to the cross on our behalf. For some the thought of blood may be grusome. But for our faith it is absoluely neccessary!!!! Look at these verses:
Romans 3:23-26
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Really take time to read these verses to see what they say. We all are sinners is what verse 23 tells us...every single one of us except Christ! Verse 24 tells us only by His grace are we justified or made right in God's eyes. We don't deserve heaven but by His grace He offers it by His shed blood which verse 25 tells us. Jesus was a propitiation or a sacrifice for our sins. When we truly believe Jesus died for our sins (faith) God passes over our sins that we have previously comitted and will commit in the future. Then verse 26 tells us God is righteous and He is the justifier of those who have faith in Christ! He will be the judge of those who don't.
So we can see this morning that the blood trail to Calvary in which we find Jesus on the cross giving His life for our sins is a great reward to those who put their trust in Jesus....what is the reward...eternal life with Jesus in heaven....thank you Jesus!!! I praise you Holy name...the name above all names, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!
So you hunters next time you are trailing a deer I hope this pops into your mind....blood is needed for the reward!
Romans 3:23-26
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Really take time to read these verses to see what they say. We all are sinners is what verse 23 tells us...every single one of us except Christ! Verse 24 tells us only by His grace are we justified or made right in God's eyes. We don't deserve heaven but by His grace He offers it by His shed blood which verse 25 tells us. Jesus was a propitiation or a sacrifice for our sins. When we truly believe Jesus died for our sins (faith) God passes over our sins that we have previously comitted and will commit in the future. Then verse 26 tells us God is righteous and He is the justifier of those who have faith in Christ! He will be the judge of those who don't.
So we can see this morning that the blood trail to Calvary in which we find Jesus on the cross giving His life for our sins is a great reward to those who put their trust in Jesus....what is the reward...eternal life with Jesus in heaven....thank you Jesus!!! I praise you Holy name...the name above all names, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!
So you hunters next time you are trailing a deer I hope this pops into your mind....blood is needed for the reward!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Life is a short assignment!
Have you ever thought of life that way? God has given us life as a short prep for getting ready for eternity. Think on that as you read these verses:
Psalm 39:4
4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
2 Corinthians 4:18
18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
If you are like me I need to be reminded daily that I am here for just a short time. My dad has told me for years that as you get older life goes by faster and he is right. I can not believe how fast a week goes by. So I need to ask my self each day have I accomplished what God has placed in my path today?
The 2 Corninthians verse tells us how we are to be looking at life. Be looking for the things that are unseen as those things will last for eternity. What are those things? They are the things God places in our path each day to accomplish for him such as witnessing, and helping others. When we do those things it brings blessings that we will receive in heaven which will last for ever!!! Praise God!
The things we see such as money, material things, ect. is just temporary and we won'y be taking them with us so why in the world do we put those things in front of God? Pure greed is all I can think of.
So today remember we are on assignment, we have a job to do for the Lord, how are you doing on your task? One day soon we will be home with the Lord so let us be busy about His work!
Have a great week!
Psalm 39:4
4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
2 Corinthians 4:18
18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
If you are like me I need to be reminded daily that I am here for just a short time. My dad has told me for years that as you get older life goes by faster and he is right. I can not believe how fast a week goes by. So I need to ask my self each day have I accomplished what God has placed in my path today?
The 2 Corninthians verse tells us how we are to be looking at life. Be looking for the things that are unseen as those things will last for eternity. What are those things? They are the things God places in our path each day to accomplish for him such as witnessing, and helping others. When we do those things it brings blessings that we will receive in heaven which will last for ever!!! Praise God!
The things we see such as money, material things, ect. is just temporary and we won'y be taking them with us so why in the world do we put those things in front of God? Pure greed is all I can think of.
So today remember we are on assignment, we have a job to do for the Lord, how are you doing on your task? One day soon we will be home with the Lord so let us be busy about His work!
Have a great week!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Are we reaching our community?
All I can say is the Lord opened my eyes yesterday to some things going on in our churches that we need to look at immediately. While at Pastor's school Eric Gieger spoke to us for a few moments. He helped write th book "Simple Church". I have not read this book but I will be very soon. Basically what Eric told us stems from this verse:
Matthew 22:37-40
37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
The commandment above is very simple....love God with all you have and love those around you. Now I want you to know that when I hear someone speak that I have never heard before I am very skeptical until I can prove that person is solid in his faith of Jesus Christ. Well it did not take Eric Gieger long to show me he was solid and what he said is so simple but yet so very true. So here is what he siad to us in a nut shell. Eric said we have become so complex in our churches that we have become inneffective in the most crucial area for all of us our own community. The way he proved this too us was to think about our churches and all the programs and ministries we have going on. So I did that and was thinking yeah we are doing good we are very busy for the Lord. The Eric went on to say we are so busy doing things that we are not being effective in doing the second part of the commandment above......love your neighbor. My first gut reaction was we are reaching our neighbor!!! But as Eric explained in more detail how folks in our own community are not being reached with gospel of Jesus Christ and how folks in our communities are hurting and their needs are not being met I had to start doing some real thinking and admit we are not being as effective as we need to be....is your church??? Are you growing? Are you bringing folks to Jesus. Are you loving your neighbors? Are you meeting the needs of those who are hurting? The answeres to these questions area good indicator.
So what do we do? It is really simple to be honest. Evaluate your ministries and vision. Then we need to cut anything that does not lead us to the direction of our mission. For example if you are doing something that has basically no effect of reaching anyone for Christ and reaching out to the needs of others we need to cut that program and use our resources more effectivly. We have so many programs in our churches these days that do nothing for the cause of Christ. I hope I have explained this well enough for you to get what I am trying to say this morning. Jesus siad the two greatest commandments are Love God and Love our neighbor. Are we as the church loving our neighbors and doing all we can to reach them or are we more like a country club???? Are we reaching our community? Honestly evaluate... it may hurt but we must get busy doing what Jesus has told us to do!
Simplify and focus.....would do a church good.
Praying for you!
Matthew 22:37-40
37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
The commandment above is very simple....love God with all you have and love those around you. Now I want you to know that when I hear someone speak that I have never heard before I am very skeptical until I can prove that person is solid in his faith of Jesus Christ. Well it did not take Eric Gieger long to show me he was solid and what he said is so simple but yet so very true. So here is what he siad to us in a nut shell. Eric said we have become so complex in our churches that we have become inneffective in the most crucial area for all of us our own community. The way he proved this too us was to think about our churches and all the programs and ministries we have going on. So I did that and was thinking yeah we are doing good we are very busy for the Lord. The Eric went on to say we are so busy doing things that we are not being effective in doing the second part of the commandment above......love your neighbor. My first gut reaction was we are reaching our neighbor!!! But as Eric explained in more detail how folks in our own community are not being reached with gospel of Jesus Christ and how folks in our communities are hurting and their needs are not being met I had to start doing some real thinking and admit we are not being as effective as we need to be....is your church??? Are you growing? Are you bringing folks to Jesus. Are you loving your neighbors? Are you meeting the needs of those who are hurting? The answeres to these questions area good indicator.
So what do we do? It is really simple to be honest. Evaluate your ministries and vision. Then we need to cut anything that does not lead us to the direction of our mission. For example if you are doing something that has basically no effect of reaching anyone for Christ and reaching out to the needs of others we need to cut that program and use our resources more effectivly. We have so many programs in our churches these days that do nothing for the cause of Christ. I hope I have explained this well enough for you to get what I am trying to say this morning. Jesus siad the two greatest commandments are Love God and Love our neighbor. Are we as the church loving our neighbors and doing all we can to reach them or are we more like a country club???? Are we reaching our community? Honestly evaluate... it may hurt but we must get busy doing what Jesus has told us to do!
Simplify and focus.....would do a church good.
Praying for you!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Do you have passion for God?
Last night at the Pastor's school, Johnny Hunt talked a little about passion. He told us that if you have passion for what you do it is like a river going through a mountain. That river will cut and twist and turn and sometimes dive miles to make it through that mountain. In other words it can't be stopped the river will get through one way or another. So this morning I want you to think about how your passion for God is. if we are truly passionate for God nothing can stop your service to Him and I mean nothing.
Here is one of the definitions of passion: a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
In the verse above this is the kind of passion that God has called us too. Denying ourselves....not every once in a while but daily. Taking up His cross which in part can mean sharing the love of Christ with others. And following Jesus no matter where He leads. I am afraid we need much work in this area as most of the time we are trying to please self not denying self. Our passion is what can I do for me not what can I do for Christ. Think on that for a moment this morning.
When ever I hear the word passion the thought that comes to mind is the movie "The Passion of Christ". I have always said we need to watch that movie about once a week to keep our focus and passion in the right perspective. The passion you see of Jesus in that movie is the passion we need to have in serving Him!
So this morning if you are a river are you easily dammed up? Or are you a ragin' river for Christ where even a mountain can't contain you???
Share you passion for Christ today!
Here is one of the definitions of passion: a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
In the verse above this is the kind of passion that God has called us too. Denying ourselves....not every once in a while but daily. Taking up His cross which in part can mean sharing the love of Christ with others. And following Jesus no matter where He leads. I am afraid we need much work in this area as most of the time we are trying to please self not denying self. Our passion is what can I do for me not what can I do for Christ. Think on that for a moment this morning.
When ever I hear the word passion the thought that comes to mind is the movie "The Passion of Christ". I have always said we need to watch that movie about once a week to keep our focus and passion in the right perspective. The passion you see of Jesus in that movie is the passion we need to have in serving Him!
So this morning if you are a river are you easily dammed up? Or are you a ragin' river for Christ where even a mountain can't contain you???
Share you passion for Christ today!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Get busy!
This is gonna be short and sweet! I am headed to Pastor's school in Gatlinburg this morning. Here are our verses:
Matthew 28:18-20 (New King James Version)
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
After reading these verses ask yourself...How am I doing in telling others about Jesus Christ? I hope you share your faith with others. Our biggest excuse today is that others may get mad at me for sharing my faith with them. But we need to think of it like this...it is an emergency situation. It is like we have the cure for a dreaded disease but we are not giving it to others. We do have the cure to sin Jesus Christ and if we don't share it many will die and go to hell. I say that is very serious!!! Also the world don't mind telling us what they think about things so why should we be bashful about sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus didn't say in vese 18 if you feel like it make diciples, He gave a command..."go"!!! So let's get busy this morning and the coming days and share the love and saving power of Jesus!
Have a great day!
Matthew 28:18-20 (New King James Version)
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
After reading these verses ask yourself...How am I doing in telling others about Jesus Christ? I hope you share your faith with others. Our biggest excuse today is that others may get mad at me for sharing my faith with them. But we need to think of it like this...it is an emergency situation. It is like we have the cure for a dreaded disease but we are not giving it to others. We do have the cure to sin Jesus Christ and if we don't share it many will die and go to hell. I say that is very serious!!! Also the world don't mind telling us what they think about things so why should we be bashful about sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus didn't say in vese 18 if you feel like it make diciples, He gave a command..."go"!!! So let's get busy this morning and the coming days and share the love and saving power of Jesus!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How do you see your life?
Ask your self that question this morning. Many have described their life in many different ways over the years such as...a circus, a roller coaster full of ups and downs, a puzzle, a journey, a dance, and the list goes on and on. So again what would you say? How would you describe your life? How ever you describe your life it says alot about you. If your life is one big party then you are looking for fun in everything. If you see life as a race then you are looking for speed in everything. If it is a marathon then endurance is your thing. So what is it in your life? The Bible is clear on how we are to see our life look at this verse for today:
Romans 12:2
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
We don't need what the world thinks our life should be. We need what God says our life should be! How do we find what our life should be according to God??? Pretty simple in His Word. The Bible tells us every detail. So if we are not reading the Bible then we really don't have a clue. God also reveals to us through prayer. But if we are not in His Word then our prayers are very shallow and not nearly as effective because we are not obeying God by reading His word which He tells us to do! The Word renews our mind as the above verse says. It cuts and disects our lives so we know without a doubt what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Isn't that what we want in our lives???? What God wants...not what we want or what the world wants....WHAT GOD WANTS!
How we see our life is important right this very second. Because if our life is not in line with what God expects from us then we need to make some changes right now! Don't wait do it now. The longer we put it off the longer we lose blessings from above if we are Christians. If we have never asked Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives then it is even more important because we risk eternity in heaven! That is risking everything!
So how about this morning are you conforming to the world, or transforming to God? Something to ponder on today!
Have a great day. A good potion of the opening paragraph thoughts came from Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life which I am taking our youth through right now so I wanted to give Him the credit.
Share Jesus today!
Romans 12:2
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
We don't need what the world thinks our life should be. We need what God says our life should be! How do we find what our life should be according to God??? Pretty simple in His Word. The Bible tells us every detail. So if we are not reading the Bible then we really don't have a clue. God also reveals to us through prayer. But if we are not in His Word then our prayers are very shallow and not nearly as effective because we are not obeying God by reading His word which He tells us to do! The Word renews our mind as the above verse says. It cuts and disects our lives so we know without a doubt what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Isn't that what we want in our lives???? What God wants...not what we want or what the world wants....WHAT GOD WANTS!
How we see our life is important right this very second. Because if our life is not in line with what God expects from us then we need to make some changes right now! Don't wait do it now. The longer we put it off the longer we lose blessings from above if we are Christians. If we have never asked Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives then it is even more important because we risk eternity in heaven! That is risking everything!
So how about this morning are you conforming to the world, or transforming to God? Something to ponder on today!
Have a great day. A good potion of the opening paragraph thoughts came from Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life which I am taking our youth through right now so I wanted to give Him the credit.
Share Jesus today!
Monday, September 21, 2009
We don't know anything!
These verses are a great way to start the week of with!
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
For many I have heard them say that these verses are their favotire or they ther are their life verses. Verse 5 is so true and we need to learn these words and apply them daily. Trust God with your heart. Not just a portion of it...He wants it all. It is hard for us as humans to truly trust anyone with all of our heart because at some point or another somebody has hurt us. Even our closest loved ones have hurt us at some point. But with God it is not so. He can be counted on and trusted in all situations and He will never let us down because He always knows best...even if we don't see it!!! Verse 5 goes on to tell us not to lean on our own understanding which as followers of the living God we must do because God knows all the details of every situation and we do not. I can say for myself their have been times I have questioned God on certain situations and found out later that God did know best and I did not! Their are also times where I will not find out on this side of eternity why God allowed certain situations to turn out as they did but that goes back to trusting God with all of my heart and knowing God will always do waht is best because He loves us!
In verse 6 He tells us to acknowledge Him in all our ways! Do we do this. Not all the time! This is something we learn as we grow in the faith. It seems we always want to hold onto things until we really think we need some help. That is not what God wants from us He wants us to acknowledge Him in everything and everyplace. Do we do that? I know I don't always. Look at the promise God gives us if we do!!! He will direct our paths! God will lead us and guide us IF we acknowledge Him!!! That is love. God will guide our lives if we keep Him in front and allow Him to lead. I don't know about you but that makes me smile even on a Monday morning!!!
So today and everyday trust God, don't rely on your own human understanding of things, rely on God who knows all. Acknowlege Him and keep your focus on Him and He will guide you always!!! That is a promise from our Living God!
Have a great week!
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
For many I have heard them say that these verses are their favotire or they ther are their life verses. Verse 5 is so true and we need to learn these words and apply them daily. Trust God with your heart. Not just a portion of it...He wants it all. It is hard for us as humans to truly trust anyone with all of our heart because at some point or another somebody has hurt us. Even our closest loved ones have hurt us at some point. But with God it is not so. He can be counted on and trusted in all situations and He will never let us down because He always knows best...even if we don't see it!!! Verse 5 goes on to tell us not to lean on our own understanding which as followers of the living God we must do because God knows all the details of every situation and we do not. I can say for myself their have been times I have questioned God on certain situations and found out later that God did know best and I did not! Their are also times where I will not find out on this side of eternity why God allowed certain situations to turn out as they did but that goes back to trusting God with all of my heart and knowing God will always do waht is best because He loves us!
In verse 6 He tells us to acknowledge Him in all our ways! Do we do this. Not all the time! This is something we learn as we grow in the faith. It seems we always want to hold onto things until we really think we need some help. That is not what God wants from us He wants us to acknowledge Him in everything and everyplace. Do we do that? I know I don't always. Look at the promise God gives us if we do!!! He will direct our paths! God will lead us and guide us IF we acknowledge Him!!! That is love. God will guide our lives if we keep Him in front and allow Him to lead. I don't know about you but that makes me smile even on a Monday morning!!!
So today and everyday trust God, don't rely on your own human understanding of things, rely on God who knows all. Acknowlege Him and keep your focus on Him and He will guide you always!!! That is a promise from our Living God!
Have a great week!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Got a physical problem?
As I was preparing to preach this coming Sunday I came across this verse wwhich I haven't read in some time but it made me do some thinking. Here is the verse:
2 Corinthians 12:7
7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
Now really take time to think a little on this one. The apostle Paul, writer of the majority of the New Testament. God gave him great revelation to write on behalf of God himself. But Paul had a physical problem. A big one as he says it tormented him. There has been great specualtion as to what his problem was from his eyes, to his apperance, to many other things. We really do not know what the problem was but it was significant to Paul. Paul says his thorn was to keep him from becoming conceited because God had used him in such a great way. My point this morning is this....if Paul needed something to keep him humble before God could it be the problem we have is for the same purpose? As I am sitting here thinking on this myslef it is a definite possibility. So when we are having our pity party for our physical problem maybe we need to refocus and praise God for keeping us humble before the King!
Let me here your thoughts on this!
Have a great weekend!
2 Corinthians 12:7
7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
Now really take time to think a little on this one. The apostle Paul, writer of the majority of the New Testament. God gave him great revelation to write on behalf of God himself. But Paul had a physical problem. A big one as he says it tormented him. There has been great specualtion as to what his problem was from his eyes, to his apperance, to many other things. We really do not know what the problem was but it was significant to Paul. Paul says his thorn was to keep him from becoming conceited because God had used him in such a great way. My point this morning is this....if Paul needed something to keep him humble before God could it be the problem we have is for the same purpose? As I am sitting here thinking on this myslef it is a definite possibility. So when we are having our pity party for our physical problem maybe we need to refocus and praise God for keeping us humble before the King!
Let me here your thoughts on this!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
We are made to last forever.
Think about that title. We as humans are made to last forever and ever.
Here are today's verses:
Ecclesiastes 3:11a
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
1 John 2:17
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Mark 9:45
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched—
The first three verses talk of eternity with God and the last one refers to eternity in hell where the fire shall never be quenched. From the very beginning God has created man to live forever. The original plan was for man (Adam and Eve) to dwell forever in the garden of Eden. But when sin entered into this world that plan was eliminated. Today God's plan is for us to spend eterinty with Him in heaven forever. The other option is to spend an eternity in hell. As you can see we are going to live forever somewhere. God demonstrates His love for man by giving us a choice. WE CHOOSE where we go. God did not make robots to follow after His every command. He has given us free will to choose....that is a God who loves. So how do we choose eternity in heaven with God??? It is very simple. Ask His son Jesus Christ ,who died on the cross for our sins on the cross and rose from the grave to defeat death and sin on our behalf, into our hearts as Lord and Savior. The turn from our sins and follow Him with our lives. It is very simple but yet so hard for most.
So that brings us to this. Where are you going to spend eternity? You will live forever one way or another. The choice is all yours because God loves you!
Enjoy your God given day!
Here are today's verses:
Ecclesiastes 3:11a
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
1 John 2:17
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Mark 9:45
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched—
The first three verses talk of eternity with God and the last one refers to eternity in hell where the fire shall never be quenched. From the very beginning God has created man to live forever. The original plan was for man (Adam and Eve) to dwell forever in the garden of Eden. But when sin entered into this world that plan was eliminated. Today God's plan is for us to spend eterinty with Him in heaven forever. The other option is to spend an eternity in hell. As you can see we are going to live forever somewhere. God demonstrates His love for man by giving us a choice. WE CHOOSE where we go. God did not make robots to follow after His every command. He has given us free will to choose....that is a God who loves. So how do we choose eternity in heaven with God??? It is very simple. Ask His son Jesus Christ ,who died on the cross for our sins on the cross and rose from the grave to defeat death and sin on our behalf, into our hearts as Lord and Savior. The turn from our sins and follow Him with our lives. It is very simple but yet so hard for most.
So that brings us to this. Where are you going to spend eternity? You will live forever one way or another. The choice is all yours because God loves you!
Enjoy your God given day!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Where is your focus??
As deer hunting season approaches and the excitement for hunters rises I had a thought come to mind. Where is our focus these days? I enjoy hunting. It takes a great amount of time and effort to be ready to try and harvest a deer. I have been out putting up stands and scouting and getting my share of chiggers! During the hours I spend in the woods and reading about deer hunting and watching hunting shows I am focused on hunting. I believe we need to be very careful to make sure our hobby doesn't become our God. Look at today's verse:
Isaiah 26:3
3 You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
The verse says God will keep us in perfect peace if our mind stays on Him. For if our mind stays on God it proves we trust God. With everything going on in the world today it is very hard to stay focused on anything let alone God. IT CAN BE DONE!! It takes effort and constant reminder to keep focused on God. It is very dangerous to put things before God no matter what your hobby. I have heard many of my friends say things like "hunting is my passion", or "I can worship God while hunting". Our passion in life as believers should be seeing others come to Christ. If hunting is our passion it has become our God and God does not like that. It can be many other things too like sports, relationships, or even our jobs. When folks say I can worship while hunting that is awesome and yes it can be done but where the problem lies is when we choose hunting over worshipping in the house of the Lord. We can make all the excuses we want to but God has told us to not forsake the gathering of His people to worship Him.
So I say all that to ask you this where is your focus? Where is your mind staying most of the time? I will be honest....for me I have to fight to saty focused on God. The devil is very good at diverting our attention away from God. Be very careful and stay focused and enjoy the peace only God can give!
Praise the Lord today!
Isaiah 26:3
3 You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
The verse says God will keep us in perfect peace if our mind stays on Him. For if our mind stays on God it proves we trust God. With everything going on in the world today it is very hard to stay focused on anything let alone God. IT CAN BE DONE!! It takes effort and constant reminder to keep focused on God. It is very dangerous to put things before God no matter what your hobby. I have heard many of my friends say things like "hunting is my passion", or "I can worship God while hunting". Our passion in life as believers should be seeing others come to Christ. If hunting is our passion it has become our God and God does not like that. It can be many other things too like sports, relationships, or even our jobs. When folks say I can worship while hunting that is awesome and yes it can be done but where the problem lies is when we choose hunting over worshipping in the house of the Lord. We can make all the excuses we want to but God has told us to not forsake the gathering of His people to worship Him.
So I say all that to ask you this where is your focus? Where is your mind staying most of the time? I will be honest....for me I have to fight to saty focused on God. The devil is very good at diverting our attention away from God. Be very careful and stay focused and enjoy the peace only God can give!
Praise the Lord today!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sin...help me to see it.
Afew devotions back we talked about how important God's Word is and was declared to us in Pslam 19. As we finish this Psalm today we look at our own sin which the Word, when we are in it, will reveal to us. So here is today's verses:
Pslam 19:12-14
12 Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
I like the way verse 12 starts out. "Who can understand his errors?" Well we all can if we are reading the Word of God because He reveals our sins to us! We all seem to have a sin or two that we constantly struggle with. We also need to be in prayer that God will cleanse us fron those secret faults. Another thought on this is sometimes we have sin that we don't consider sin like gossip for example. We want our relationship with God to be as pure as possible and ask God to reveal these hidden sins so we can remove them from our lives.
Verse 13 David asks God to keep him from presumptuous sins. One definiton of presumptuous sin is unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward. David of all people could relate to this kind of sin if you think about his sin with Bathsheba. Adultery and murder...he was very bold and forward. We need God's asistance on just plain out right bold sin. Do you have or have you had any of these? If you said no then you better think a little harder!!! We should pray as David asks don't let our sin have dominion over us and help us to be innocent of any great transgression against God!!
Then verse 14 David ends with a request. It is a request we all need to be seeking from God. God please let the words that come from my mouth and the thoughts that are deep in my heart be acceptable to You. All servants of God need to cry out to God each day with those words. For God and God alone is our Strength, Redeemer, and Lord.
What great Words these verse are for us this morning. Meditate on them and then apply them.
Have a great day!
Pslam 19:12-14
12 Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
I like the way verse 12 starts out. "Who can understand his errors?" Well we all can if we are reading the Word of God because He reveals our sins to us! We all seem to have a sin or two that we constantly struggle with. We also need to be in prayer that God will cleanse us fron those secret faults. Another thought on this is sometimes we have sin that we don't consider sin like gossip for example. We want our relationship with God to be as pure as possible and ask God to reveal these hidden sins so we can remove them from our lives.
Verse 13 David asks God to keep him from presumptuous sins. One definiton of presumptuous sin is unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward. David of all people could relate to this kind of sin if you think about his sin with Bathsheba. Adultery and murder...he was very bold and forward. We need God's asistance on just plain out right bold sin. Do you have or have you had any of these? If you said no then you better think a little harder!!! We should pray as David asks don't let our sin have dominion over us and help us to be innocent of any great transgression against God!!
Then verse 14 David ends with a request. It is a request we all need to be seeking from God. God please let the words that come from my mouth and the thoughts that are deep in my heart be acceptable to You. All servants of God need to cry out to God each day with those words. For God and God alone is our Strength, Redeemer, and Lord.
What great Words these verse are for us this morning. Meditate on them and then apply them.
Have a great day!
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