I started a new book this morning and it reminded me of a teaching point I have used many times so I wanted to share it with you this morning. The verse I want to look at is Acts 11:26
Acts 11:26 (New King James Version)
26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
I want to really concentrate on the last sentence. The disciples were first CALLED Christians in Antioch. They did not come up with the name Christian others called them Christians. This brings me to the point I want you to think on. Is there enough evidence in your life that you can be called a Christian? I believe that is why the disciples were called Christians because the were followers of Christ! That when folks looked at them they were reminded of Jesus and the way he lived His life!
I like to ask folks if they were in front of a jury and someone was trying to convict them of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict them. I am afraid many folks today who claim they are Christians would have a hard time proving it by their lifestyle. Ouch! I know that is tough to say and take but it is the truth.
So this morning we all need to examine ourselves and see if we are lining up with what Jesus has told us and set the example for us to be as Christians. Which by the way Christian means "little Christ".
God bless each of you and have a great weekend
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