Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful cool morning outside here today....a good day to get outside and praise the Lord!
Today we are going to look at the second verse we us in the Roman road. Here it is:
Romans 6:23 (New King James Version)
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is such an awesome verse. It basically has two componets to it. The first is what causes sin. If you remember in your bible studies. Way back to Adam and Eve. Life was perfect and there was no sin in the Garden of Eden. Until the serpent tempted Eve and she bit into that forbidden fruit and ole Adam followed right along. Because of that sin there were many consequences one of them being death. There are also two kinds of death. Physical in which you die. Then there is spiritual in which you are seperated from God. Both of these are a result of sin!
The second part of this verse is the good news! God has a gift for us. I don't know anyone who doesn't like presents....do you? John 3:16 tells us why God gives us this gift....
John 3:16 (New King James Version)
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
God gives us this gift out of his great love for us!!! Isn't that awesome! So what is this great gift God gives us....eternal life. Spiritually and physically. I don't know about you but I am not sure my mind can fully understand what God has done for me and you in giving us this gift. It is truly amazing. There is one more thing I want you to think about this morning. As with any gift the one who gives the gift it has cost him something to have a gift to give. For example if I was giving you a gift such as a hunting rifle it would have cost me money to buy it. Well what did this great gift of eternal life cost God? HIS SON!!! Yes God sent his only Son Jesus to pay the penalty of our sins so we can live forever in heaven.
Stop and think abpout that this morning and give praises to Jesus this morning for surrendering His life on the cross for you and me. Thank you Jesus.
You will never give a more precious gift than telling someone about Jesus....give that gift to someone today!!
God bless and be safe this weekend!
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