Whew weeee it was a hot one today! It was an awesome day though working with the kids at sports camp. I hope you had a good day too! Now onto the devotion.
The fourth verse we use in the Roman road is:
Romans 10:9 (New King James Version)
9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Again this is a very simple verse and it tells us what we must do to be saved. Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus! It is absolutely important to voice your belief in Jesus. Jesus tells us in another verse the importance of voicing your belief in Him:
Mark 8:38 (New King James Version)
38 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
That pretty well sums that point up doesn't it. Why is it we are so afraid to tell everyone we come in contact with about Jesus and what he has done for us??? The most important thing in our life but it is so hard to share it....I have never understood this. I struggle with it too. I believe Satan has us fooled into thinking nobody wants to hear when in reality many do.
Romans 10:9 also tells us to believe in our heart. That is where the soul is....in the heart. Here He is stressing the belief in the resurrection which is vitally important. There are some other essential beliefs of the heart we need also such as death on the cross, virgin birth, the trinity and yes the resurrection! These are beliefs of the heart that are of no debate in the Christian faith. Do you believe these things with the heart??? Take a moment to think about them...they are very important. Many folks for an example don't believe in the virgin birth.....if one doesn't believe in the virgin birth then they don't believe in the gospel of the Bible. That is why I say these things are essential!
I like the final words of Romans 10:9 you will be saved! Isn't that great news??? Some may ask saved from what? An eternity in hell that's what! Being saved is so simple...I think that is what makes it so hard. Child like faith in Jesus. Trusting that He did what He has told us he would do. Death, burial, and resurrection and He is coming soon to take those who believe home!
Are you saved? If you need to talk to someone drop me a line I would be glad to talk to you!
God bless....Tom
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