Good Thursday morning to everyone. It is a rainy morning here. I am going to start another series this morning. God has laid it on my heart a few times so God here it is. Use it to bring folks closer to you. For those who might not know what the Roman road is, it is a group of scriptures from the book of Romans that is used for leading people to Christ. What I want to do is to look at each verse and study a little bit about it. I encourage each of you to memorize these verses as they are very handy in bring someone to the Lord. So here we go.
Romans 3:23 (New King James Version)
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Wow such a short verse but yet so very powerful. It is very easy to see when we are witnessing to someone why we would start with this verse. Just stop and think for a moment....all have sinned! That means you and me and everyone else. There has been only one who has not sinned and that of course is Jesus. When I witness to someone I like to use the ten commandments with this verse because we can show the person how we have broken every commandment which then proves we have sinned before God.
For a long time I often wondered about the second part of this verse....fall short of the glory of God. I guess at that time I was to lazy to do some research and find out what it means. I could figure out what fall short means....doesn't meet the standard or didn't meet the goal. But what about that word glory. What is the glory of God? Here is what I found...the glory of God can be defined as honor, dignity, splendor, majesty, glorious moral attributes, infinite perfections of God. Now stop and chew on that for a while....wow! I can see where I fall short in every area. As the old saying goes "God is God and we are not".
I hope and pray we realize everyday as Christians where we have been in sin and where we have been delivered to through the shed blood of Christ. In God's eyes once we have accepted Christ into our hearts we don't fall short of His Glory anymore we become joint heirs with Jesus. That is really too much for my feeble mind to comprehend. But you know what I believe it because God's word says it is so!!!
Have a great day brothers and sisters!
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