Well folks I am back. Sorry for missing so many devotions in recent days but Summer is here and I am busy, busy, busy. Thank you for all the prayers. God answered them and my grandpa went home quickly.
As I was in Michigan for my grandpa's funeral, I was able to take a morning to go turkey hunting with my brother. As usual we got out there before sunrise and settled into a thicket on the edge of a field. As the darkness began to fade God's creations awoke from the sleep of the night. It was a beautiful morning. Deer were all over the place and it reminded me of this passage of scripture:
Psalm 42
1 As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
3 My tears have been my food day and night,
While they continually say to me,
“Where is your God?
It is a joy to watch deer in search of food and water in the woods. They are diligent yet so very careful to watch for predators. Do we search for our life giving source in the same manner? As the psalmist so beautifully put it....does your soul pant for God? We should be longing for Him. Have you ever been so thirsty that when you finally got that drink of cold water it was overwhelmingly satisfying? I have and this is the picture here. Nothing will satisfy us in life more than the life giving waters of God.
The psalmist is asking when ill he be in heaven with God...wow. Am I longing o be with God right now? Are you. If I answered honestly I would say "No". I still have things right here I want to do like see my children grow up and grow old with my wife. I need to work on that! Why don't I long for heaven right now....perhaps it is because God has blessed me with good health, a roof over my head, and food on the table all which I am greatful for.
Then the psalmist says basically people are making fun of him and he is heart broken over it. "Where is your God?" Our world today is basically asking us the same question today. One day soon they will find out if they don't accept Jesus as Savior. Are we affected at all today by those who are lost and going to hell if something don't change in their life soon? Maybe our cheerios and pizza should be filled with tears too for those that are perishing. Then maybe we would be doing as He commanded and share the good news of Jesus!
So when you get a chance get out to God's creation and enjoy a sunset or a sunrise, take a bible and let God speak.....He has much to say!!!
Have a great Tuesday!
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