Roman Road #3 6-8-09
What a nice day today. We kicked off sports camp today. Please be praying that God will do a mighty work in these kids lives this week.
Sorry this devotion is so late today. It will probably be like this all week due to sports camp.
Today's verse is so awesome. It is very simple but yet so powerful. Here it is:
Romans 5:8 (New King James Version)
8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
There are basically three points to this verse. The first is God has demonstrated his love for us. If you are at all like me I often wonder how God can love me??? When we think about how Holy, Righteous, Perfect, Powerful, and mighty God is how can He love a worm such as I??? But He does and He has demonstrated that love by sending His Son to die for me and for you even though we are filthy rags. Wow!
The second point is God loves us even though we are sinners. I want you to think for a moment on how much love you show for someone who completely disrespects you, blatantly chooses to ignore what you ask them to do, and requires the death of your child to pay their sin. I believe if you are similar to me I know it would be no love at all! Thank God His ways are not my ways. He loves us even though we do these very things to Him!
The third point is mentioned in the first teaching point but we need to say over and over and over again.
Christ died for us. This is how God demonstrates His love for us. By sending His one and only Son to die on the cross for unworthy worms like you and I. Wow. Take time to think on this love today! Thank you Jesus for dying for me I am so unworthy!
God bless you all!
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