Praise God for another day. I just want to glorify your name today Jesus, for He alone is worthy!
On to the devotion:
We will wrap this study on Isaiah 58:2-14...I hope it has spoken to you as it has me. Here are the verse today:
13 "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
and the LORD's holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
14 then you will find your joy in the LORD,
and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land
and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."
The mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Here are some great verse to share with those who don't value the importance of worship in Church. This is a beautiful verse for us to really sit down and think about and evaluate ourselves on. It says to keep our feet from breaking the Sabbath and doing as you please on My Holy how many so called Christians do that every week? It is very sad how we treat God. Do you call the Sabbath a delight? Are you excited about worshiping God every week? I admit some weeks are easier than others but when I walk away it is always a blessing and honor to worship every Sunday. Then this verse goes onto say keep the day honorable by basically not doing our own thing and not speaking idle words. I believe this is a warning to keep our focus on where it belongs...God. The ole devil has put many things in our way to take our focus off of God and He is telling us here don't fall for that! Idle words can be many things but here it may refer to things that don't bring honor and glory to Him. I think you can come up with your own examples here...stay away from those things!
The we go into verse 14 and we see the results of honoring God on the Sabbath. Joy! What a promise! Do you have joy in your life or is life a job for you right now. Maybe you need to look into this promise..get worship of God right and joy will follow! This verse goes onto tell us we will ride on high and feast on the inheritances of Jacob...remember God has told us we are joint heirs with Jesus! Praise God what a promise.
I like the last verse too...the mouth of the Lord has spoken in other words...LISTEN! Read over the entire passage of Isaiah 58:2-14 again and think about what God is saying. Sharing the love of Christ in us with others and obeying God in worship is sooooo important!
Thank you for reading my devotions I am honored that you take your time to do so and may God get all the glory and honor!
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