I want to jump right into the devotion today. I have had this thought process that the verse is sharing come up quit a bit recently. As I have said previously I am speaking to myself in these devotions and God is shouting out loud to me today! Here is the verse:
7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Remember we are thinking over the past few days about sharing the love of Christ in us with others. God continues in verse 7 sharing what he wants from us. It all basically comes down to this "LOVE OTHERS". This is the second greatest commandment according to Christ. I want us all to look at each command.
1. Share food with the hungry. Sounds pretty simple right? Are we doing that. The first thing I want to jump right in and say is well our church gives such and such. That's awesome! But what are you doing personally?? There are people everywhere that are hungry....we must do more. One example. We drive the best vehicles we can afford don't we. What if we down sized to something comfortable but yet not the top of the line and used that money to feed the hungry??? Something to think about. People are hungry...and we are riding in style...is God happy with that?
2. Provide poor with shelter. Where I live I am not sure there are many homeless but In Nashville which is not far their are plenty. Again like I said about the hungry we live in very nice houses...way more than we need yet folks are without shelter...is God happy with that???
3. People are without clothes. I know this happens where I live as I see children who need better clothes, greatly in the winter time. We have to have our American eagle, Ambercrombie(sp), ect. What if we bought decent but not name brand clothes and spent what we saved on others in need??? Is God happy with our greed??
4. I could go many places with the flesh and blood in the last verse but I want to think if they are human they are flesh and blood and we are to love as commanded by Jesus. Basic needs are numbers 1-3 and we as followers of Christ should be doing way more than what we are.
So I am goi ng to close with this....are you going to read this and say that is a good devotion or are you going to do something about it in your life. Don't look at others and compare....God is talking to you...and me.
Honestly as I think on this I am ashamed and I am going to do more!
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