Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if ???

As you read this verse this morning keep in mind the thought what if.....

James 1:21

21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Here is my thought on the what if.......what if as Christians we actually got rid of all flithines and wickedness in our lives??? Could it possibly be that the reason we as Christians are not reaching more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ is because we are filthy and full of wickedness ourselves and so our light is not shining bright for Jesus? Before you answere that think about our lifestyles. The things we watch....movies and television. Do you watch things that God's word tells us to stay away from? It amazes me how many folks at church consistantly watch movies that glorify sin and think this is ok? Many even allow their kids to watch the garbage!!! Next what do you read? Are you putting whole- some Godly thoughts into your head or are you putting the smut and gossip the magazine stands sell? What do you listen to? Is it glorifingto God or is it glorifing sitting at the bar getting drunk thinking about cheating on your wife....I think you get the point. If you have kids you might want to check out their music casue what I just gave as an example may be mild!!! We as Christians are right in the middle of wickedness with the world and this should not be so! It says something about our walk with God because He says straight out TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THE WORLD!!! Are we? Are you?

God tells us how to get out of the world! Get into His Word! If you don't know the word than you don't know how to get out of worldy wickedness...plain and simple. Accepting God's word and applying it to ur lives shows we are in Christ Jesus thus our souls are saved. Thank you Jesus for the way to everlasting life!

What if Christians lived the way Jesus told us too? This world would be a different place! What if....ask youself this morning!


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