Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well let's break down this long passage that we read yesterday. Remember our goal in studying theses verse's is to see if we are sharing the love of Christ that is us with others. Today's verse is going to just kind of set the plate of where we are in America right now. Here is todays passage:

Isaiah 58:2

2 For day after day they seek me out;
they seem eager to know my ways,
as if they were a nation that does what is right
and has not forsaken the commands of its God.
They ask me for just decisions
and seem eager for God to come near them.

I hope God's word just knocks your socks off like it does mine. How can we read this scripture and not see how alive and on target it is for us today??? This was written thousands of years ago but seems as though it was written yesterday.

I want you to really pick up on the words "seem eager". That is another way of saying not sincere! They were putting on a good show for God but He knows the heart. They and us can't fool God! It says "day after day they seek me out" I wonder in America these days how many are actually doing that? I hear that in places like China people are so hungery for the word of God it is unbelievable. I have been told by missionaries that it is so much easier to witness out of the U.S.A. because peoiple want to hear God's word...what is wrong with us?

I believe God answers that question in where He says "as if they were a nation that does what is right".
Sure sounds like America to me. We think we don't need God we can do it on our own. We are now reaping the benefits of that and we are not doing very well in case you haven't noticed. We have "forsaken His commandments" matter of fact we don't even want then mentioned! Oh how it hurts me even to say that.

The last part of this verse says "seem eager for God to come near them". I guess many Americans do want God to come near them but only when they need Him. When things are good He needs to stay away. We NEED God all the time and we should praise Him in the good and the bad for He alone is worthy. I often think how blessed I am. If God called me home right now I couldn't complain one bit. I pray for you and me this morning that God isn't looking at us saying "they seem eager" knowing that we are not sincere in our commitment to Him.

God help this nation of ours to get right with you is our prayer this morning. Lord it starts with me. Help me dear Lord to correct my faults and keep my eyes focused on you for if I am focused on You I will not sink.

Have a great day!


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