Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Grab a hold of Jesus!

As I mentioned a few devotions back I have recently taken the youth to camp. The Pastor shared some insight on Philippians and I want to pass it along to you. Today we will be looking at this one verse.

Philippians 3:12

12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

In this verse Paul tells us he is not perfect as we should already know the only perfect man was Jesus. What I want to reaaly focus on is where Paul says" he presses on so he may lay hold of for which Jesus has also laid hold of me". How do we lay hold of what Jesus what Jesus wants to grab a hold of? Basically as our camp Pastor Matt Chandler shared it is called Holy discontentment. In other words you have Jesus but you want more of Him. Get deeper into your relationship with Him. This aso can be used as a guage as to where you are in your relationship with Jesus. Here are some ways to do that:

1. Look to Jesus as your goal.

If Jesus is our goal we will always be working to improve in all areas of our Christian life. Unfortunatlely we have got into a habit of looking at other people who are sinners just like us and saying to ourselves well I am doing better than so and so. No where in the bible does it say to compare yourself to others. Look to Jesus and you always be discontent and wanting to grow

2. Surround yourself with Godly people.

If you have friends that are non-Christians and you are participating with them in their activities I can promise you that you are not growing in Christ like you should. I have found that if you hang with folks who arn't believers you will be led to do things God doesn't want you to do. Very rarly will you lead those who are unsaved to do what God wants to do with our lives. This is very hard to say but their are times when you have to let friends go to be what God wants you to be...I had too and it hurts but is necessary.

3. Know God's promises.

How do you know God's promises by reading his Word. If you are in the word you will not be content of where you are in Christ because the Word will convict you daily! One of the promises of God's Word is that He will not leave you where you are. We are works in progress! Read the Word!

4. Evaluate self...often.

Where are you with your walk with God. Then make adjustments. As I just said in the previous point we are a work in progress so we will have to make changes, reevaluate and move on. So where do you stand with God this morning. Be honest. Are you doing well or do you need major adjustments.

Holy discontentment. I like this word because I think it should decsribe the child of God. If we get content we may be losing ground!

God bless...have a great day!


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