Thursday, August 19, 2010 the right thing!

Oh if we would only have a President, or our congress, or our local leaders, ect. listen to what God is telling us here in this verse:

Proverbs 16:12

12 It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness,For a throne is established by righteousness.

Even though we don't have a Monarchy here in the states which means we don't have a King. I still think we can apply this verse to our so called Democratic society. God wants our leaders to follow his leadership and stay away from wickedness or sin. Lets stop and think about that for a moment. Can you imagine what our nation would be like if we had a President stand up, with no hesitation and say I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I will make all my decisions based on the Word of God and do my very best to follow Jesus in my life?? I pray for leadership like this in our nation. Not only for President but for all our leaders. God gives us the answer in this same verse what would happen if this were to take place. When a leader is righteous, God will establish or put a firm grasp an their position. I take that as God will bless them! God will protect them. And I firmly believe He would bless the nation of a leader or leaders like this!

So my brothers and sisters let us pray for a great person of God to arise and lead in all areas of leadership in our nation. I know many of you already pray this but don't lose heart and continue!


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