Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What you need to know about Islam #11

Where did suicides missions come from? Al-Husayn who was Muhammad’s grandson (his mother was Muhammad's daughter) felt he should be the leader of the Islamic empire in 680 AD but at this time the leader was Yazid son of Muawiya. Al-Husayn knew he did not have enough power to overtake Yazid but he went to Iraq to fight him anyway. Al-Husayn was killed but the Shiites learned a new principle:

Fighting what for what you believe in is a must; it doesn’t matter if you win or die. If you win, you are honored by victory; If you die, you will be honored by Allah. Fighting for what you believe in is an honor either way.

Al-Husayn is considered a martyr for Islam and held in high esteem. So if one dies or conquers for the cause of Islam they are heroes of their faith.

Tomorrow we will look at what other material is considered teaching material of Islam besides the Quran.


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