Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dad teach!

This devotion is for us dads. I want you to think very seriously about what this verse is telling us:

Ephesians 6:4
4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

First this verse tells us not to provoke our children to wrath. What I pull from that is don't constantly nag them. They are children and will make mistakes. We do have to discipline them when they do wrong but we also must encourage them and love them. I have seen so mant dads push their kids away by putting them down and just being on their back all the time. God is very clear in warning us of this in this passage. Second God tells us to train them in the Lord. Seriously take time and ask, are you spiritually training your kids, dad? We spend countless hours training our kids how to hunt, fish, play sports, and on and on. BUT how much time are we spending training our kids in the Word of God? Sad really when you compare hours spent on worldly things and hours spent on Godly things. The Bible says what good is it to gain the whole world but lose our souls. Dads we need to think on that verse very hard as we are suppose to be the Spiritual leaders of out houses!

Thirdly the verse says admonition which means

1.an act of admonishing.
2.counsel, advice, or caution.
3.a gentle reproof.
4.a warning or reproof given by an eccleslastical authority.

I am going to go with the third definition today. When are children make a mistake, gently reproof them. Show then where their mistake is and if you can show them by God's word please do. It helps them see God's word as the ultimate authority.

So dads how are you doing? It is our job to raise our children in a Godly way, let us make sure we are pleasing the Lord!

I am praying for you dad!


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